Page 63 of Angelina

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Chapter Twenty


We were lucky to have gotten out of there alive.Although, I had a hard time rejoicing.Not when I knew we had lost so many people.

My heart ached for the loss of the overseers, especially Marissa.I hadn’t had a chance to talk to her after she stormed out.I had planned on giving her time to cool down, and then I was going to talk to her.

Everything had happened so fast, and now I would never be able to rectify that.

That’s what I thought about as the truck took us to the new camp.I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn’t realize how tense Lena was becoming until we arrived.Her energy crackled under the surface, and I wondered if there was something that I needed to be worried about.Had she picked up on something that I hadn’t with the two men that retrieved us?

When we stepped out of the truck, Angelina tensed even further as a man approached us.He looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t place him.

“Angelina Michaels.It’s about time we meet.I heard you have been looking for me for quite some time.I’m Joseph Portage.Welcome to my home.”He held his hand out toward her, and she reared back slightly and stared at his hand like it was a snake.He raised a brow toward her.

“Portage.Of course, you would have survived all this shit.”

He laughed as he lowered his hand, seemingly not offended by her refusal to shake it.Damn, I hope she didn’t ruin it for the rest of us.What if she pissed the guy off and he kicked us out?Where would we go then?

“Survival of the fittest.You know how that works.Speaking of the fittest, how is your sister doing?”

“The mistress is just fine; thank you for asking.”

“That is wonderful to hear.Will she be coming to visit?I would love to see her.I would assume at this time, she is rather large with child, is she not?”He quirked a brow as he skirted his gaze over the rest of us.

“Since I haven’t seen her in almost seven months, I have no clue how she is.”

“Maybe we can visit her.Where is she?”

Angelina smirked at him.“Yeah, like I would tell you if I even knew.”

“Angelina!Don’t piss the guy off.What if he kicks us out?”

She peered sideways at me but didn’t respond.

Portage looked between the two of us and sniffed the air lightly.“Ah, do we have a new mating?Has the great Angelina Michaels finally settled down?”

I stepped closer to Angelina, but she laughed, the sound so light and airy that it seemed odd in the tense moment.“Why yes, she has,” Angelina replied.“Are you jealous, Joseph?”

“Jealous?Of course not!I am happy to hear you are happy.”

Gideon joined our group.“Mr.Portage, I’m Gideon Marks.Thank you for letting us come here for refuge.”

He eyed Gideon closely.“I assume you are the leader of this ratpack.”

“I am one of the overseers of our group.”

He held his hand out to Gideon.“Overseers?I like it.I’m sorry to hear about the rest of your group.”

“How do you know about it?”I asked.

“And you are?”

“Corbin Hankshaw, another of the overseers.”

Angelina’s face snapped toward me.“Hankshaw?”

Portage looked between us.“Angelina, I am surprised that you don’t know the man’s surname.You are mated to him.”

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