Page 89 of Angelina

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Chapter Twenty-Seven


Isat with Briella, nursing her for what could be the last time.I hated leaving her, but I needed to.I had a responsibility to Hugh and my sister—not to mention the rest of the breed.

In an hour, thirteen of us would descend into the tunnel and slip out the back.We had not told the general population what was happening, and I had waffled on that decision.They had a right to know what was happening, but I didn’t want people to think they should have come with us or think it was safe enough to leave the compound—not yet.

The only people I had spoken to were Ben Tremblay and the Canadian elders.He had offered to send a few people with us, but I told him to keep them here.I had also asked him to maintain watch over the compound and to act on my behalf.He could tell them what he wished if my absence was questioned.

I did not doubt that Portage was behind this, and the torture of Hugh was to gain my attention.It had worked—especially since I knew my sister was with him also.There was no doubt that he would expect me, and that is why I did not plan a sneak attack.I would walk right up to his door and knock.

Zander and Clayton had argued with me on that, but I told them that if they were in the area that I knew him to be, he was hiding in plain sight.For him to have done that for so long meant that he had power on his side.I was not about to put my people in harm’s way to go after him—not now.

This was a mission to find out what he wanted and to get back what was mine.Yes, Hugh and I were no longer mated, but that didn’t mean he didn’t belong to me.Through our daughter, we would always be tied, and thus that made him mine.

Briella stared up at me after she finished as if memorizing my face.She seemed tense, but maybe that was just my feelings.Or perhaps she was feeling the tension in me.I would never know.

The door opened, and Zander came in.“It’s time to go, Kris.”

Isaac was behind him.“I would go with you if not for protecting your daughter.”

“I appreciate that, Isaac.Right here is where I want you to be.Knowing she is with you will allow me to focus on what I need to do.”

“Very well,” Isaac said as he approached, and I leaned forward and kissed Briella’s brow one last time.

Her little hand came up to my face, and I felt so much power in her tiny fingers as she laid it on my cheek.“I love you, sweet daughter.I’ll bring your father back so you can meet him face-to-face.”

It was almost as if she sighed in relief, and then her hand moved from my cheek.I handed her over to Isaac and forced myself to walk to the door.“You have everything that you need for her, and if—”

“There are no ifs, Mistress.You will return.”

I’m glad he felt so confident.I nodded to him, cast my eyes on my daughter one last time, and spun on my heel to exit the door Zander was holding open.

We didn’t speak as we headed down the stairs to the garage area.Once there, we gathered with the rest of our party.Clayton, Cameron, Gabe, Henry, Ryker, Paxton, Cora, Jett, Joshua, Lorna, and her husband Paul were the other eleven people.

I had been leery of allowing two elders to travel with us, but Clayton said there was no way he would not go, and Henry stated he wanted to see his son.

Mick, Olivia, and Donovan had wanted to join us also, but I didn’t feel that was wise since they were all human-turned and lived by the setting and rising of the sun.Who knew what we might come up against during those times.

Rex had also asked to join us, but I had told him to stay back and watch over things.Rex had calmed down over the last few months, and I felt that there might be hope for him to turn into a good man after all.

“Are we ready?”I asked everyone as we reached them.

After a chorus of affirmatives, they followed Rane and me into one of the warehouses and back to the exit.Once we were there, I turned to the group, my eyes glowing as I encompassed them all.“You will not remember this location nor where the exit is once we leave.You will not be able to tell anyone about our location or anything about this compound.The only way you will remember this information is if I am killed.Then you will return to protect our people.”

I spun back around, and Zander winked at me.My compulsion did not work on him, but I was not worried about Zander.As my mate and the master, he had the right to know such things.Especially if something happened to me, Zander would need to lead our people back.

“Nothing is going to happen to you,”Zander whispered to me as we took off at top speeds into the tunnel.

Joshua was beside me, holding my hand to disguise my presence as we moved.“I am not naive enough to think I will return, Zander.Things must be put into place in case I have to sacrifice myself.”

He scoffed,“I would take your place in any sacrifice if it came to that.”

“You will not.You will lead our people.You are lucky that I allowed you to come.The only reason I did was to make sure that my power was at its strongest.”

“You have a daughter to raise,”he said to me, but I didn’t answer him.I didn’t want to have this conversation.

We reached the end of the tunnel, and the lock clicked open.We were out into the night a moment later and split into two transports.Zander would be in one, and I would be in the other, Joshua close by my side.

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