Page 98 of Angelina

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He inhaled deeply.“I personally never thought I would be saying this, but I need your help.Or maybe you need mine.It doesn’t matter.The time has come for us to put aside our differences and join forces to stop this nonsense.”

“Do you think we can put them aside?”

He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.“I think we must.I know that you never agreed with my theory that we were the better species and should have ruled the world.Perhaps that was overestimating our ability, but do you not see what has happened because we didn’t take a stand?”

“Are you faulting my rule?”

“No.As much as I hate to admit it, you have done a decent job, but I know that now is the time to come forward and demand our freedom back.Prove to these lesser beings that we are the better species and that we will do whatever we must to show them that.”

“But are we the better species?”I asked.

“Of course, we are,” he said quickly.

“I think what Zander is saying is that they have proven to be rather capable of fighting against us.”

“Yes, but we have not ever tried to fight them.Not with all that we have.If we showed them what we could do, if we went after their strongholds and took control, then they would see that they are no match to us.”

“But they are a match,” I stated.“Look at the weapons they have designed.We can’t fight against those.”

“But we could find a way to.”He hesitated.“Kristin, I know you outlawed human-turned, but I have been testing some things, and I have learned that most human-turned are immune to the power of the electrical blast.I think it is because their brains are not wired the same since they died and came back.While it might stun them, they can work through it.”

“How many human-turned do you have—honestly?”she asked.

“Over a hundred.They are not here, though.I have them in a separate location, and they train daily.”

She blinked and shifted in her seat.“How many more do you think we would need to use them as the first line of defense?”

“Wait.”I spoke up.“Are you seriously considering this?”

“Yes, I am, Zander.While I don’t wish to make war on the humans, they started this, and it is time to finish it.If what Joseph says is true, then having human-turned at the front of our lines as we move forward only makes sense.Of course”—she turned to Joseph—“I would want to see this test, as you call it, firsthand to make sure it works.”

“By all means.”

She sighed.“I will admit that not long ago, I did consider removing the law that forbade human-turned because I had a feeling that could be useful for us.”

“Very much so,” Portage agreed.“So, are we in agreement?Will we work together to end this and get our rightful places back?”

She stared at him for a long minute, glanced at me, and then smiled and held her glass out.“Yes, we agree.I will work with you, but I’m going to tell you right now, if you misstep in one direction, I will take you down personally.”

“You have my word that I will not.Once this war is over, we can discuss the future.Maybe there is a way that we can continue to work together.”

She laughed.“If you think I will step down from my position, you are wrong.”

“No, I understand that.I am coming to believe that you deserve the position that you are in.”

What the actual fuck?Was she buying this?Because I sure as hell wasn’t.

He lifted his glass, and she tapped hers to his.“To a cease-fire between us and a unity that might bring us back to freedom.”

He shifted his glass toward me, and I reluctantly tapped it.

“I’m glad that we will finally be able to work together, so—”

“Call me son again, and I will knock your teeth in,” I growled.

“Alright, Zander.I get it.”

We spoke about a few more things, and Kristin said she would converse with her elders.We agreed to meet the following evening and discuss more before our group returned to the compound.

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