Page 49 of Forever Changed

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I glance at East as he places his head in his hands, “It’s never going to end is it?” he asks me but I don’t reply because we both know until one of us dies or kills the bitch, Penny will always control us.



“Girl. You need to get out of this room. Let's go to the beach,” Sassy says, tripping over some dirty laundry to rip open my curtains. I wince from the bright light.

“Sassafras, you know I adore you, but I’m not going to the beach. You know they will be there.” I whine, pulling the covers over my head. Today is the annual Kippa/Hawthorne Beach Day. I was actually looking forward to it, well before everything happened. She rips the blanket off me and I squeak. I’m only wearing a pair of panties and a hoodie. She scoffs and rolls her eyes, then looks up at the ceiling muttering under her breath.

“Cara, you’re beautiful, amazing, fantastic. You don’t need a scumbag like Jase Hawthorne.”

I slowly sit up when she tugs on my hand. A tear escapes and I rush to wipe it away. He’s stolen too many tears of mine.

“I just don't understand. That's what hurts the most. He never ended things with me. Are we still together? If we are then why is he ghosting me?” I mean I did finally sleep with him, maybe that’s all he ever wanted. I should have just given it to Connor, at least I know he would have treated me better and called the next day.

“I know babe. Guys are jerks, that's why I stick with the ladies.” She does this obnoxious eye wiggle that has me cracking a smile. “Come on girl, let's doll you up and go to the beach. Make him regret treating you the way he has. Plus you still have three other guys that miss you.” I look down at the hoodie I have been in the past few days and take a whiff of myself.Oh god that's bad.She’s right, Connor and Lay have been blowing up my phone and I still need to find out what Xavier wanted. I’m nervous about what this means for my relationship with Lay though. Jase and him are soulmates, so I assume he’s just calling to tell me we can’t hang out anymore. I don’t think I could take that right now as well. I’m not sure when it happened, but I care about all the guys. One heartbreak is enough for the moment.

“Yeah okay, but let me shower first. Actually, will you come with me? I don't want people seeing me like this.” That's just what I need, more ammo for the girls to treat me like I'm the dog shit they stepped their expensive shoes into. She nods and offers me her hand. I take it as she pulls me from the bed. She grabs my shower things and I let her guide me to the bathroom in our dorm room. “Okay, babes, you go do your thing. Brush your hair and wash your face in the sink, take off the godawful sweatshirt and change into some cute PJ’s, then we will go shower. Fake it till you make it.”

I pull her into a tight hug and she cringes, going stiff. “Cara I love you, but one you smell and two you're not wearing pants. I think this is worse than the towel hugs.”

I step back and rush inside, quickly shutting the door, and lean my back against the wood.I can do this.


“Girl you are rocking that bikini. Are you sure you're completely straight? I could love and cherish you the way you deserve,” Sassy says with a wink after I take my sundress off, and toss it on the beach chair. I know she is joking, but it's nice to hear. “I wish I could be into girls like you are, but, sadly no, I kinda like the guys,” I say, letting her pull me towards the water. It’s cold, but feels great against my heated skin.

Penny has been blowing my phone up too demanding things, but I told her I was sick. I didn’t plan to come, but Sassy dragged me out of my cave. I would rather be there, but she’s right, I need to move on and show him he didn’t break me. I’m made of stronger stuff.


She came. I haven't seen Cara in a few weeks now. I've been purposely avoiding her. I watch as East makes his way over to her and her friend Sassy. She hesitates and winces, but relaxes when she sees it's not me. I wish it were me. I wish I could go up to her and tell her what she means to me. Kiss her within an inch of her life. Tell her how sorry I am. But I can’t.

East rushes her and throws her over his shoulder, before running into the waves. I can hear her squeals and giggles from here. A hand hits my shoulder and Lay gives it a squeeze before following them into the water. He still doesn’t know what happened to make me pull away from her, and I know when the truth is revealed not only will it destroy her, I may lose him. I don’t know how much more I can take.


Resilient. She’s so resilient. I move towards her watching as she freezes and looks on the verge of tears. She is too beautiful to cry. Too sweet to have her heart destroyed by my idiot brother. He needs to stop being a mopey dick and make things better between them or he’s going to fuck everything up. He wasn’t the one that took her V-card that night. I did. Yes the guilt is eating me alive as well, but I can’t let it show. He needs to pull together or he’s going to ruin everything. I’m working on a plan to save us all. I just hope I’m not too late.

It’s funny how things can change. I used to love Penelope, but now I could wring her neck with my guitar string. And I thought this would be an easy assignment, but now I’m in just as much shit as the other guys. There is something about Cara that pulls you in and won’t let you go.

Cara glances down at my body and visibly relaxes once she sees the nipple piercings. I give her a mischievous grin then rush her tight, toned body. Bending low, I scoop her over my shoulder before running into the warm waves. The sounds she makes brings blood to my cock and a smile to my face. A smack lands on my ass cheek hard and a chuckle escapes my lips. Carson Matthews is strong, she’ll overcome what's about to occur. I wish I could call off everything right now. Grab my brothers and run away, but wishing doesn’t work, it’s actions that count.


Sassy was right. I needed the beach. I lie on the sand enjoying the sun on my skin. After a few weeks inside I know I need the vitamin D. Connor and Xavier plop beside me on the sand and I laugh.That's not the vitamin D I was talking about.“What’s so funny, beautiful?” Connor asks before pulling me to his lap, and taking my towel. I give him a smile and bite my lip. “Nothing, just a dirty thought,” I say, his eyes heat and I can feel him hardening beneath my ass. I glance over my shoulder at Xav and wink. Yeah, maybe some vitamin D wouldn’t be so bad.


“Good morning, baby.” Connor says, running his hand up my back to my hair.

“Ummm,” I reply, then roll over and lay my head on his chest, wrapping my arm around his waist and my thigh over his leg. He groans and takes a giant breath in. “I could get used to this.” I laugh, and snuggle closer. We must have fallen back asleep because someone knocks on the door, waking us up.

“Come on man. I need to get in there,” Xavier shouts from outside. I giggle and look at the door. I forgot Connor put a chair under the knob so he couldn’t walk in on us like last time. I think he’s been doing it on purpose. I lean up and place a soft kiss on his lips, he smiles and deepens it, groaning then pulls away. I gently roll off him and he gets up, grabbing his discarded boxers from the floor, slipping them over his hips, but not before giving me a yummy view. Gosh football has really done his body good.

“Baby, keep looking at me like that and I won’t be opening this door.”

I bite my lip and give him a wink. We haven’t slept together again, but I think I may be ready to. After giving Jase my everything and him ghosting me, I've been hesitant to do it again. But Connor has always been super sweet to me and never pressures me for things I’m not ready for. Same with Lay, but it’s hard to still have a relationship with him when I know that Jase is with him.
