Page 11 of Elemental Traitor

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“Get through, all of you.” Carmon indicated the cadets and Neutrals should go first, including Archer. I tried to shove Brynn through next, but she glared at me as Cal looked my way. “You should go too, Adam.”

My look said he could cut the crap because I wasn’t leaving my brothers and sister alone to fight without me.

I shook my head, rejecting his plan. “You need me to warm this place up. You’re too cold to fight.”

Brynn shook beside me. How much was a result of fear and how much cold? She didn’t know what I could do yet. I’d hoped she would follow the others and we’d discuss my Elemental side later, but I should have known she wouldn’t leave me.

“Well, well, well. Look who’s still here.” The Mindolin walked down the hallway toward us. “You really thought you could leave without an introduction?”

Carmon stepped forward to stand in front of the rest of us. “I think we’re all familiar with one another. Why don’t you do us a favor and stop this carnage.”

The Mindolin gave Carmon an indulging smile. “Oh, Carmon, you are quite the leader, aren’t you? I have a spot for you in my new kingdom, if you’re interested. I’d love to have you rule by my side.”

Cal stiffened, but not because of the Mindolin’s words. Chris almost didn’t reach our Commander’s side before he hit the ground.

“Carmon!” Sylee moved with Chris out of the front of the group as she tried to assess what had happened to her mate. The rest of us paled with dread.

I should have been the one to move forward and take control of the group, but such a move would leave me vulnerable to the Mindolin. Drew still carried Jeff, and Chris still moved Carmon to the door. That left Dalton to step forward and take lead, something the Air Elemental had never, ever done. He could handle this, though. He was tough.

Get out, all of you,Dalton ordered as he squared his shoulders back. Grace stood where they’d been standing in front of Drew and Jazz.

“Get out, Brynn, now.” Her eyes were locked onto the Mindolin, and terror had flooded them long ago.

Sophie grabbed hold of my wife’s hand and pulled her along toward the door while Chris hauled Cal’s limp body through the passage after Drew, Jeff, and Jazz.

“You’re not leaving already.” A gust of wind slammed against the door, forcing it closed. The sound of it reverberated around the hallway.

Dalton, Grace, Sophie, Brynn, and I were the last of the group in the hallway. Sophie had almost been crushed by the door, but I’d pulled her back out of the way just in time.

Adam, is Sophie okay?Chris sounded close to losing his mind. I couldn’t blame him. His mate was on the wrong side of the door without him.

Breathe, Chris. She’s okay for now. I need a clear head. We all do.

Okay.That was probably the hardest word Chris had ever said.

“We just became acquainted.” The Mindolin took a few steps further, and I tucked Sophie and Brynn behind me. Grace stepped up with her mate, who pulled her behind him. She didn’t argue. A first for her. “Now, Carmon decided to kill me with his Life element. I couldn’t have that. It’s not a very hospitable way to say, ‘Welcome home.’”

“You’re not welcome here.” Dalton’s voice held firm.

“Adam.” The Mindolin moved the top of his body to lean over and look at me behind Dalt. “Stop hiding behind your brother. It’s not very manly.”

“Just following orders.”

My orders were to protect Sophie, and she needed to hide. Also, I had to protect my wife. Dalton’s and Grace’s orders were to protect me.

“I see.” The Mindolin took another two, casual steps forward. “Tell me, how’s your mother? I miss her dearly. She hurt me so when she kept me locked up away from you and this world.”

“We don’t talk much,” Dalton growled out.

The Mindolin sighed and nodded his head. “I’ve gathered that. Now, let’s chat. Like I told your brother before he tried to kill me, I have a proposition for you.”

“We’re not interested.” Dalton took up a wider stance to fight if needed.

“Now, now, hear me out? I’d rather not have to kill you right away.” Black eyes smiled back at us.

Dalt snorted. Grace put a hand on his back. “You nearly killed Jeff and Tessa.”

The other man shook his head. “My incompetent followers did that. Your brother is alive because I wish it. The same with Carmon. His punishment was just. He will see that when he wakes. For now, boys, you need to choose. Choose wisely, though, or I’ll be forced to punish you as well.”
