Page 27 of Elemental Traitor

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We don’t have much time for you to learn this,Grace said over a link.If we had time, I wouldn’t push. Give it another try.

I nodded and took a deep breath. Adam watched from where he lay on the floor, his elbows behind him propping him up. He gave me a wink, and love swept through me.

The logs intimidated me when I stood and looked at them. Yeah, I could heat them up, but one heated up log wouldn’t light another. Adam said I couldn’t make flames. I could only heat things up, but why couldn’t I heat logs up enough for them to burn?

I growled and crossed my arms while staring at the logs. My foot began to tap, and the world around me disappeared. If I could find something like that nail to heat up, the heat would burn the logs. Again, why couldn’t I heat the logs?

Smoke came from the logs when I ordered them to burn, but no flame. They wouldn’t even light each other.

With another growl, I spun and marched to the kitchen. No one spoke, so they all had to be looking at me, but I refused to lose my focus and look at them. After opening and closing a few drawers, I found the one I wanted. Knife in hand, I walked back to the fireplace and threw it in so it touched a log.

“Sorry about the knife. I’ll replace it later.” If we lived.

“Don’t worry about it.” That was Jazz’s voice.

With an order, the knife began to heat. Soon, it turned red and the log beside it began to smoke. This time, keeping the knife intentionally hot took more time and energy. Sweat beaded on my upper lip, and moisture clung to my forehead.

When a tiny flame caught on the wood, Adam whooped, and the flames spread quickly. That was his doing.

“Okay, now grab your knife out. We may be able to save it still.” Adam smiled at me with so much love and adoration, I missed his words at first.

“You want me to do what?” Yeah, sure, I’d been warmer outside now, but touching red hot metal?

Adam smiled at me again. “Touch it, Brynn. You’ll be fine. If I’m wrong, Jeff will heal you faster than you can count to ten.”

Fear gnawed at me as I turned back to the fire. The knife would be hot. Way hotter than anything I’d ever touched.

Trust me, Brynn.Adam’s eyes also pleaded with me when I looked over at him.

My muscles relaxed. Of everyone in the world, Adam wouldn’t hurt me. He’d hidden me for months so I wouldn’t be harmed. He wouldn’t start allowing me to be hurt now.

After a deep breath in and out, I squatted and reached into the fireplace. The knife was hot, but not unbearably so.

My brows drew down. If I could make it hot, could I make it cool, or rather, take the heat away, order it away? The next breath found the knife at room temperature.

I passed the metal to Adam, who gave me another large smile. The knife fell to the ground as Adam pulled me close and kissed me hard.

I’m so proud of you, baby.He pulled back, and the small cheers in the background registered.

My face heated up as I turned to face his family.

“Good job, Brynn.” Jazz could only cheer so loud while holding a feeding baby, but her smile said it all.

Grace walked to stand by her mate. “Your practice isn’t over yet, but you did well. Now, let’s keep going with the plan.”

Everyone looked to Adam. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t grab a read on his emotions. Nor did he allow them to show on his face. He didn’t want to lead; that couldn’t have changed in the few minutes since our talk. His ability to hide that fact from everyone was enviable.

Drew came up on Adam’s other side while holding a baby and a bottle. Drew would be Adam’s second in command. I needed to get out of the way.

After a glance around the room’s seating arrangements, I sat my butt on the end of one of the couches. Tessa sat on the other end with Jeff at her feet.

I’d been the center of their attention for too long. They all had plans to discuss and decisions to make. We’d already wasted too much time focused on me. I was a nobody. A Neutral turned Lower Elemental because she happened to be tall and fell in love with the right guy. Or the wrong one, if you didn’t want to run around the world with a madman chasing you.

Taking in a deep breath, I worked on creating an emotional wall as the group began to discuss what place the Mindolin, their father of all things, could have been tied to or if he’d ever been tied to a place. My job was to sink into the couch and stay out of the way. They’d all been at this a while. My input would be worthless.

“Whatever spot he once was tied to, it’s obvious he’s no longer attached to it.” Sophie rubbed at tired eyes. “Is there a way to attach him to a different spot, or is he beyond that?”

Everyone thought, and the clock on a wall ticked the seconds by.
