Page 33 of Elemental Traitor

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“Chris is also at full power.” I moved the conversation on. “Jeff is not. He’s the healer, and they’ll suffer with him missing. Dalton is also on the weak end from the injuries you gave him a few hours ago. And, if I’m being honest, he’s the glue that holds our team together.” With the evaluation over, I looked the creature—humanoid or not, he was a beast—in the eyes. “Your best options are Carmon, Jeff, or Dalton. Chris is the protector of Drew’s children. They’ll keep him strong with Drew. He can also teleport via his lightning, so the chances of catching him are slimmer than my other brothers.”

The Mindolin’s brows drew down in contemplation before he sighed. In a fast move, he bent and snapped the girl’s neck. My stomach twisted painfully, and my breath caught, but I kept my feelings from my face. For the first time ever, I thanked my uncles for teaching my brothers and me to keep our emotions buried deep and not show them.

“Come, Adam, I’ve picked out which of your brothers I want.”

Adam had been taken an hour ago, and I still suffered from the gut-wrenching terror of the experience. My mouth had hung open for minutes as I stared at the spot he’d disappeared from after throwing the tiny baby to his brother. Tears had poured down my face, and I hadn’t even noticed. Hearing his voice in my head had released most of my panic, but I was still afraid.

The babies had all cried after the commotion. Adam’s brothers had set to making a defense plan for them with input from the girls immediately after their brother’s disappearance. I’d snuck off to another room.

The gym was large and had weights and other equipment pushed to the walls. Sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets scattered around the outskirts of the room as well. Lots of people had slept here. The middle of the room was empty.

Every part of me shook as I paced the open floor and spoke with Adam, tears falling from my eyes because I was so useless. Now, with Adam gone, I was even more so.

I didn’t know these people. They didn’t know me. To them, I was Adam’s biggest secret. A wife he’d never told anyone about. An intruder into their perfect family.

Time went on as I waited for him to speak to me again. I paced the room until his words reached my mind.

Forgive me.

The pain in them and the sudden loss of his presence in my mind brought me to my knees. They hit the floor with a thud on the rubber mats, and my stomach plummeted. My breath came in deep gasps as my world spun.

Adam?More tears fell.Adam?

He was gone.

There was a couch in a corner of the room. On my hands and knees, I crawled behind it to hide from the world. I wanted nothing to do with the world or its problems. Those problems had taken the man I loved from me just as I’d gotten him back.


“Brynn?” A soft, female voice called out to me.

I tried to stifle my cries and sniffles, but the couch was pushed out of the corner when I couldn’t. Five women sat around me. Two sat beside me, their arms touching mine, while the other three sat just in front of us.

The redhead, Jazz, laid her head on my shoulder. “Drew says Adam’s okay. He shut down the link voluntarily.”

“Why would he do that?” My voice sounded thick and choked.

Grace pulled her blue-streaked hair behind her ears. “If he needed to keep from being distracted, he’d do it. Or if his emotions were going to be high and he didn’t want to risk anyone feeling them. Maybe he didn’t want to be distracted by our emotions. There are many reasons. Until he opens back up, we won’t know.”

I felt like a giant sitting next to the very tiny Jazz. With most people I felt large, but Jazz was one of the tiniest people I’d met.

The little woman sighed, drawing me from my comparison of us. “Drew’s beating himself up about not being able to help Adam. He’s also super angry that Zhaine stole Adam away.”

“It’s not his fault.” Tessa looked tired. “None of us could save him either.”

The girl on my other side, Sylee, cleared her throat. She sounded like she’d been crying too. “Cal feels the same as Drew, but he saw what would happen and couldn’t stop it. He’s seen more, but he won’t tell me about the visions. He’s blocked me from his emotions completely. During the past few months he’s tried to share more of his emotions with me. Now, I feel nothing.”

“Chris won’t say anything,” Sophie said from beside Grace, “but knowing the Mindolin is walking the planet terrifies Chris. Ever since his mind and body were freed from the creature, Chris’ deepest fear has been falling back under the Mindolin’s control.” She shook her head. “I can’t imagine finding out someone that evil was my father. Which is saying a lot considering how bad my father was.”

Tessa’s eyes looked freaked out. “Jeff and I are on board with Chris. That guy is freaky and has no moral code. If he was ever good, that part of him is gone. I don’t doubt he’ll do anything he can to take complete control over this world. Even if he has to destroy his sons to do it. That’s how evil he is.”

“So,” Grace looked at each of us, “Ladies, what are we planning to do to help our guys through this? Whether Adam is here or not, he needs us to support his brothers. What’s our plan?”

Grace’s eyes locked with mine, asking the same question in them that she did the other women. She included me. My nerves relaxed a little.

Okay, everyone listen up.I recognized the male voice but couldn’t place a name with it.

“It’s Carmon.” Sylee smiled as I looked at them all with a confused expression.
