Page 39 of Elemental Traitor

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My lips curled up in a smile to match his. “Females are weak, but they have the sweetest blood.”

“And the innocence of babies makes the blood that much sweeter.” The crazy wafted off my dad and nearly choked me, but I kept my own crazy smile.

“Guess I’ll have good dreams tonight. Tomorrow, I’ll help you find the girls.” Without another word, I spun and headed up the stairs. When I turned to head up the next flight, movement caught my eye.

A man, a Dark, stood beside my father. They were talking. If only I could hear what they were saying.

“Follow my son. When he falls asleep, I want his blood.” I stumbled at my father’s voice, so plain from so far away. He’d intentionally been speaking quietly so I wouldn’t hear him, and for good reason.

“Yes, sir.”

Neither of the men seemed to notice my almost faceplant into the stairs. If they did, they wouldn’t have thought much of it. Dalton had exaggerated hearing from his Air element. Not me.

“Tail him for me as well.” I gulped. There was no way I should be hearing them still as I headed toward the third floor of the building. “Adam has an agenda. I want to know what it is.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t fail me, Tellis,” Dad warned the man before footsteps began to follow me up the stairs.

So much for the warm fuzzies I’d attempted to conjure earlier. My father was an evil psychopath, intent on destroying his family further and further.

Life,I called to my aunt as I continued to climb until I reached the floor where my apartment was. There was no use hiding. Suspicions would rise if I didn’t go to my room. I’d have to take precautions, though.

Adam.The relief which rocked through me was surprising.You shouldn’t contact me.

Why would he want my blood?

She hesitated. I could feel her hesitation through the bond.I’m not sure. You’re sure he wants your blood?

Yes.Something kept me from telling her about my super hearing and what Dad had said to the Dark warrior. Part of me still didn’t believe what had occurred floors below.

Whatever is happening, it can’t be good. Be careful, Adam. Watch your back.

I opened the door to my apartment and walked inside, allowing myself to lean against the door and look around. The place had been trashed during the Mindolin’s raid, but I could still see remnants of my brothers around.

Dalton would float down from the upper floor if he felt so inclined. Drew would hop the railing, and the room would shake when he landed. Chris would touch the lower rail and shock whoever touched the metal railing next. Jeff would just shake his head and walk past Chris with an eye roll. Carmon would have his head stuck in a folder with our next mission details in it, but he’d still be aware of everything around him.

When was the last time we’d all been here together? Don’t get emotional, Adam. Don’t think about the past. Get the job done.

What is his plan, Adam?My memories had distracted me from my conversation with Life.

Something continued to not sit well with me.I have to go.


I shut down the link and gasped. Something definitely wasn’t right. My mind felt icky after the conversation. Tainted somehow.

The deadbolt twisted with ease as I stepped away from the door. The Dark warrior would have to first pick the lock before entering. He wouldn’t obliterate the lock if he had any training. Noise wouldn’t be his only issue. He’d give himself, or his job, away with the evidence of lock tampering.

The couch had been shredded for some weird reason I couldn’t quite comprehend. I shoved it against the door and tossed one of our, also shredded, loveseats on top to give it more weight. At the end of the couch not in front of the door, I stacked a pile of pans. If someone tried to barge in without permission, I’d know.

I didn’t need the last loveseat. We’d bricked up the windows after acquiring the apartment. They made us easy targets to outside attacks. Drew could smash the bricks apart if we needed him to.

My bed, blessedly, had been spared the same slashes which had killed the couches. Personal items had been pulled out of drawers like they were searching for valuables. Sadly for them, I owned nothing valuable outside of my gorgeous wife and mate.

There was no reason to take my clothes off. If I needed to attack someone, I’d rather do it clothed. My boxers were more comfortable, but tonight, they weren’t practical.

Sleep came fast. I didn’t even remember drifting off before the trees of Bard’s Forest surrounded me. Peace drifted through me. Bard’s Forest always seemed to calm my soul and now, in my dreams, it was no different.
