Page 50 of Elemental Traitor

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Yavich snorted. “You and me, slowpoke. If you can’t catch on faster, I’ll be leaving you here with Aaron.”

“Oh, please don’t,” I mumbled.

The Demon at my side chuckled before stepping into the crowd. People parted for him like they knew exactly who he was. Who was he?

A water fountain sat in the middle of the courtyard. Yavich climbed the man and woman who stood back to back holding swords at the ready. No one had destroyed the fountain yet. Only a third of this army was human, so their saving the depiction of human perfection surprised me more than their saving a thing of beautiful marble.

“Listen up!” People closest to Yavich quieted first, but within the minute you could’ve heard a pin drop on the ground outside the academy. “You’ve been asked to assemble here in the night because we have a job to do.

“The rebels are meeting at the Light city of Cambria. Right now, men are looking for working vehicles outside these walls and inside the academy’s parking garage. When we have enough vehicles, we’ll start transporting this army to the outskirts of Cambria. When I give the word, and me alone, we’re going to attack the city and its occupants. Unless you hear from me, you will hide yourself. We cannot give Cambria a heads up that we’re about to attack.

“That means you stay away from roads leading into the city. No one is to kill anyone heading into or out of the city. Those of you who can’t find a spot, go into Bard’s Forest. No one will look for you in a dead forest.

“If any of you give us away, I’ll have your head removed from your body. I’m not one to be trifled with. The Mindolin has given me permission to run this operation. If you feel that is not a good decision, feel free to take your complaint to him. Be aware, you will not be coming out of that conversation with a heartbeat.

“Now, once vehicles start pulling up, get in one and keep your gob shut. Adam and I will be in the first vehicle. Do not ride with us unless you want to be dinner for both of us.”

“Why is he helping us? He’s Light trash! He’s an assassin who has killed our people. His brother killed our king!” The crowd of Dark gave an uproar at the question from a large Dark warrior. I couldn’t blame the warrior for hating me and not wanting me to be here. The Light had started the war that cost so many Dark their lives. I’d killed many of them.

Yavich scowled at the warriors, especially the one questioning his decision. “Adam Simmons is the son of the Mindolin.”

Gasps came from all directions, and I held my head higher. To these men and women, being the son of their leader would be a great privilege. Part of my job was making sure I acted out that part. Hearing Dad’s surname attached to my name would have made me happier if he weren’t the evil monster I’d been sent to gain the favor of.

Before the crowd could argue, Yavich continued his explanation. “Adam recently learned of his heritage and has decided this is the side he wants to be on. Anyone who has a problem with him here, again, go see the Mindolin and enjoy your last breaths.”

An SUV came around the side of the building. People were forced out of its way, but the driver had to proceed slowly because of those who weren’t paying attention or didn’t move fast enough. They were lucky. Had I been driving, I would have just run them all over. Yavich smirked at me, reading my thoughts.

The Demon seemed so familiar, and yet I’d never met him before. He needed to be stopped from giving the order to destroy Cambria, but I hadn’t yet figured out how to do that part of the job. Something about Yavich made me want to know more about him. Maybe it was the fact he knew my father well enough to call him by name, or maybe it was his nature.

Dark warriors and the three other races sneered at me behind Yavich’s turned back when I made my way to the SUV behind my new Demon friend. I didn’t fear them. The fire in my veins could incinerate them within seconds. I’d already taken care of enough of my father’s henchmen that way. These men and women just hadn’t heard about that yet.

“They don’t like you,” Yavich laughed from behind the wheel of the vehicle after I’d climbed into the passenger seat behind him and we were on our way, another vehicle filling with troops behind us.

“I can’t blame them. I’ve probably killed people they knew.” I shrugged. “It’s war. It’s not pretty, but that doesn’t mean any of us have to like it. Then Dad comes and flips everything upside down. The world is banding together, and everyone hopes to come out on the winning side.”

“Is that what you want? To come out on the winning side?” Yavich threw a glance my way, but I stared through the windshield.

“I just want to come out of this alive.”

His hands on the steering wheel tightened. “What’s the point in coming out alive if your side doesn’t win and you end up a prisoner the rest of your life? Your brothers won’t forgive your betrayal, will they?”

“It’s not them I’m concerned about. I’d like my bride back, and one day I’ll have her, whether she likes it or not. Maybe Dad can help me break her bond with the others.” My brows furrowed. “Come to think of it, he should have just done that in the first place. Except the girls eluded him. Dang it. I should have thought about this. He blocked Chris before.”

I rubbed my hands over my face. No, I wouldn’t have allowed Brynn even ten miles from my father, but I needed Yavich to think I would.

“Maybe she’ll be in Cambria.” Yavich’s voice held emotion in it, like he hoped for my sake that my wife was there.

“I hope not,” I said. “We’re about to destroy that city. I want her far from there until I find her.”

The rest of the drive was spent in idle chit chat or silence. There were so many questions I wanted to ask the Demon, but all were intrusive, and I didn’t want him to shut down on me. Even still, I felt like he held himself back from asking me questions as well.

Yavich parked the SUV miles from Cambria and Bard’s Forest and announced we’d be walking in so our vehicles wouldn’t give us away closer to the city. It was just as well. Daylight had come, and to drive closer would get us caught.

“We’ll hide in Bard’s Forest.” Yavich moved to walk that way when Cambria came into view.

The fields around the city were filling with people. Not all of them were warriors, and far fewer were human. There wasn’t enough space for the people who’d come to stop the Mindolin. They couldn’t congregate well.
