Page 52 of Elemental Traitor

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Um, I think so. There’s a woman by a pool, so I guess that’s where I am.

Can you have Zhaine bring you to us?

I’ll try.“Grace wants you to take me to her.”

The Elemental nodded. “I can do that. Adam’s brothers need me to do that as well.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, why aren’t you with the other Elementals? I thought all of you were going to Cambria, or something like that.” Something felt oddly fishy.

Zhaine’s expression darkened. “Something is not as it seems. The Mindolin should not have escaped his prison. Someone is helping him. Someone powerful.”


“We don’t know.” The woman stepped forward, and I bit my lip before I could gasp. She was a Demon. “I’ve scoured my pool for any information. I am a seer. I should see something, but they are powerful enough to hide.”

I ran my fingers through my hair. “Okay, take me to the girls. Maybe with more heads we can figure this out. Adam doesn’t talk to me, so I can’t get his take on this either.”

“Adam’s job is dangerous,” Zhaine said, standing. “He must be alone to accomplish it. Now, let’s return you to the Ladies.”

Another flash, and we were in a house, me sitting on the floor like I’d been doing in the cave. With another flash after that, Lord Lightning was gone.

“Brynn!” Sophie was by my side and had my hand in hers before I’d even begun to take in my surroundings. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I nodded at the girl, her eyes wide with concern. “I’m okay, Sophie. Lord Lightning gave me some water, and I’m doing a lot better.”

Chris sat down on the floor behind Sophie. “Thank you for allowing us to leave the cave and staying behind, Brynn. You probably saved both of our lives. Well, I know you saved mine for sure.”

“Anytime.” I gave them both a smile and looked around.

The other ladies and the babies were with us. Shockingly enough, we had two more men with us. Carmon sat on the floor in a corner with Sylee. He looked bad. Even in sleep.

Another man I didn’t know but who everyone else seemed comfortable with, especially Tessa, sat beside Carmon.

“Lord Lightning says someone’s working with the Mindolin and that’s why he escaped.” The words blurted out before I could stop them. We needed to work on finding answers and brothers, but everyone looked exhausted.

We were in some sort of attic room. I couldn’t tell for sure, but the roof was slanted, and the windows were small, only allowing in a little light. There was one bed. Jazz and the babies occupied it.

“Great,” Chris muttered. “One more puzzle piece to figure out.”

“Okay everyone, we’ll be hitting the road in five minutes.” Carmon had looked so bad, I’d been sure he was asleep. “We need to reach Jeff soon. He’s not in good shape.”

The man I didn’t know took Tessa’s hand and squeezed it. They obviously had a close relationship.

Footsteps below us made everyone pause until a head appeared on stairs I hadn’t noticed.

“Excuse me. I’m sorry, but you have guests. I don’t know how they found you.” She disappeared, and everyone tensed until Dalton and a Vampire appeared where the woman had been.

“Dalton!” Grace would never be considered an emotional person, but as she raced to her mate and hugged him tight, sobs escaped her.

Dalton appeared in better shape than his brothers. He had the strength to stand on his own and hug his mate tight as she continued to cry. I turned away and tried to stand. Their reunion was too personal to intrude on. Grace was a strong, tough leader. She’d hidden her worry and fear well. I hadn’t been able to tell how upset she’d been about Dalton’s disappearance. Yes, I’d known she was upset since how could she not be, but I hadn’t realized the extent of that worry.

“Felt like joining the party too, Victor?” The man I didn’t know shook hands with the Vampire. I looked at the clothes of the man with Tessa. He was a Harbor Witch by the robes he wore. Tessa was a Harbor Witch. She didn’t wear the robes right now. Probably because we were on the run.

“Wouldn’t be left out.” The Vampire, Victor, smiled at the Harbor Witch. “Plus, my brother is handling the affairs of the Vampires in Cambria while I took care of Lord Air.”

Someone, I looked up to see it was Chris, shoved a water bottle into my hand. “Drink. I don’t care if my uncle gave you some, you look like you could use more.”

The two men I didn’t know looked my way, and I wished, not for the first time, that I could be as small as Jazz and slide behind someone. Fearing these two men had been ingrained into me for so long that my heart rate spiked when I had their full attention. Funny enough, I didn’t fear Sophie, who was Dark, or Tessa, who was a Witch.
