Page 56 of Elemental Traitor

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I held up a hand and shook my head. “Wait, Lady Life? She knows you’re alive?”

“Why would she not?” he grumbled at me.

“Because your parents thought you were dead after you were stolen from them as a baby, and Life allowed them to think that.” I ran my hands through my hair as dread hit me square in the chest. I began to pace, keeping Yavich in my sights in case he attacked. “No wonder things weren’t making sense. Life’s been working with the Mindolin all along. Since the beginning she’s been working with him, hasn’t she?”

Yavich’s eyes watched me close, and he nodded.

I scoffed. “She played her part well. All along, we thought she was the one who cared, that she was the one with a good head on her shoulders. Instead, she sold out her siblings. Especially Zhaine. After all these years, he’s still devastated at your loss. If he knew you were alive right now, he’d do whatever he could to kill Life. Then he’d kill the Mindolin.”

“You’re just saying that.” Yavich didn’t sound convinced at his own words. “Aaron found me—"

“Aaron stole you.” I glared at him. “He stole you and used your blood to become the powerful man he is today. He wants to do the same with Drew’s babies. He’s going to drink their blood and become more powerful. Or,” I paused and looked at my cousin, “is he going to give one of those babies to you? Will he drink them dry like Life told Zhaine he’d done to you? Or will he keep them and raise them to do his bidding? Taylee is a seer, did you know that? She’ll be a powerful asset to him.”

“They really think I’m dead?” Yavich’s eyes filled with uncertainty. He either felt the emotion, or he was playing me and doing a good job of it. “They didn’t throw me away?”

“Lightning.” I passed the call through our link as well.

My uncle appeared by my side in a heartbeat. “Did you stop…” He trailed off as he caught sight of a glaring Yavich. “Adam?”

“I’m not sure if I’ve stopped a massacre or not, Zhaine, but I found the traitor who worked with my father.” I walked between the two men. “It wasn’t Yavich, so relax.”

Lord Lightning looked at me. “Then who was it?”


Lightning’s eyes went wide. “She’s working with Aaron? How? When? How long?”

“Since the beginning,” Yavich answered.

“The beginning? Then she…” Zhaine looked at me. “Did she take my son? Or did that monster, Aaron? Which one of them killed my son? Which one do I kill? Never mind. I’ll kill them both.”

Tears streamed down Zhaine’s face as rage took control of him and his limbs shook. Little sparks of his element shot out, and I backed up a step to keep from being one of his victims.

“Mercy! Aaron!” Zhaine’s fury sent lightning flashing across the sky. His bellow alerted the occupants of Cambria’s field to our position, and they began to scramble for their weapons.

“Zhaine!” I held up my hands to keep him from shooting a death stroke of lightning my way. I hoped. “We’re not prepared to take them on. Get a grip! Your son isn’t dead.”

My uncle turned and blinked at me, anger falling from his face. Sorrow took over. “Don’t mess with me, Adam. I’ve mourned for centuries. Don’t make fun of me now. I’ll kill you for it.”

I kept my hands raised but tipped my head to the Demon with us, the one who looked shell shocked. “This is Yavich, Uncle Zhaine.”

The “Uncle” I threw on there to stun my uncle. I hadn’t called him by a family title in, well, probably never. At least, I’d never done it willingly or with respect.

Zhaine glared at the Demon. “Yes, the man who destroys Cambria.”

Yavich gulped and his head dropped a little, but not enough to take his father out of sight.

My next breath was deep and breathed out slowly. Zhaine would either thank me or not believe me and attempt to take my head off. I was prepared for both options.

“Zhaine, Yavich is your son, Luka.” We didn’t have time for me to prep him more. Zhaine’s eyes bulged, but I wasn’t done. “They told him you and Onyx threw him away.”

“We would never,” Zhaine spat out as he took a closer look at the man across from him. Yavich tried to keep a blank face, but years of lies were unfolding in front of him. Doubt and hope warred across his face. After so many years, Yavich still wanted a family, but he’d been lied to for just as long.

I still didn’t know whether Yavich was a good actor or if his expressions were telling the truth. A man raised by Aaron Simmons could very well act like a hope-filled child and then slaughter us all when we let our guard down. Jeff would be the first person Yavich talked to if he came with us to my brothers.

“How do I know what you’re saying is the truth?” Yavich’s face grew hard. “This could be a ruse to lure me from the Mindolin who raised me.”

“He wouldn’t have raised you,” Zhaine stepped forward, growling, “if he hadn’t stolen you. Tell me, do you wield an element?”
