Page 74 of Elemental Traitor

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Red was stuck at home again. This time, she didn’t feel useless. I made sure of it.

Everyone needed food. Jazz made them dinners and delivered them to my siblings’ cabins if they didn’t arrive by six thirty in the evening. The work we did wasn’t hard on me. I had unlimited strength, so the work didn’t push me to my limits like it did everyone else. In that regard, Jazz and I were the ones doing the best right now.

Taylee hiccupped before giving a large yawn.

“See, Princess, you’re tired. You should go to sleep.” She blinked at me like I had no idea what I was talking about. “Follow the examples of your brothers.”

“And your mother,” Jazz grumbled mid lullaby.

“I’m not sure the song’s helping much, Red.” I reached out and ran my hand through Red’s red hair. I could never thank Aunt Lilith enough for bringing Red into my life. Just the thought of her being the mate of that lowlife Vampire who’d forced a bond with her would still set me off at times. I had to not think about that when holding the babies.

“Put her in her crib, Drew. She’ll fall asleep when she’s ready.”

I did as my mate asked and came back to hold her. She was so tiny in my arms. Even pregnant she’d been a tiny thing, aside from the very rounded tummy. I missed her stomach being filled with my babies. Still, she was healthier now.

“I can tell what you’re thinking.” She smiled. “We are not having more kids anytime soon.”

“You’re an Earth Elemental charged with the power of growth. You’re supposed to grow things.” I laughed into her hair. She’d taken a shower before bed. Tanner had made a mess all over her when she’d changed his diaper. Now her hair smelled of the strawberry shampoo she’d used.

“I’m supposed to grow plants, big guy. Trees, even. I’m not a baby factory.” Red’s clarification brought me back to the topic at hand.

“I want more, Red.”

“More what?” She rolled over and looked at me, giving me her full attention.

“More everything. I don’t know how to explain it. I want to live, Red. I want more kids, more love, more adventure—"

“Because the last year hasn’t been filled with enough adventure for you?” She winked at me.

“I want to share so many experiences with you and the kids. I don’t want to miss out like I did for twenty years of my life.” I’d been a monster. I’d had the emotions of a rock. Red had made me feel. The babies had brought out a part of me I didn’t know existed.

Red looked deep into my eyes, reading what I couldn’t find the right words to say.

“We’ll live, Drew. We’ll live the happiest, best lives with as many children as we want. I love you.”

“I love you too, Red.”

My head pounded. The headaches were mostly nonexistent now that I’d become used to the abilities Life had thrust on me. When I received a vision, a migraine would now settle in for a day or two, but I could push past it and no one would know. Not even Sylee. I didn’t want her to worry.

Fingers settled on my temples and gently rubbed circles in a massage I needed so badly.

“Don’t pretend with me, Cal.” Sylee had noticed after all. Why had I even tried to hide my pain from her? “I wish there was a way for me to share this burden with you.”

“It’ll go away soon. I’ll be alright.” I looked up into the worried eyes of my mate. “How did I end up being lucky enough to have you?”

She laughed. “Because you were a jerk.”

I chuckled in reply. I couldn’t refute the charge. Bonding with a girl without her knowledge or permission was definitely being a jerk.

“There’s a lot going on in that brain right now, isn’t there?” Sylee tapped my head before she came around the couch. Instead of sitting beside me, she crawled onto my lap. I liked her there.

“The Elemental home world is gone. I’m not sure if it will affect this world or not. Half the Elementals are dead, and all but one are no longer immortal. My mother is attempting to make amends for twenty-one years of neglect and pain she’s caused. Not to mention—"

Sylee’s lips covered mine. Her favorite way to silence me.

“Your duty to this world will always be there, Carmon.” She spoke to me between tiny kisses to my jaw. I held her hips as she continued to kiss her way down my neck. Her favorite way to distract me.

She didn’t bite, though. She always bit. She pulled away. Why did she pull away?
