Page 9 of Cujo's Rampage

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“You shredded your clothes when you shifted, so you’re gonna be naked when you shift this time. I’m not sure how ocelot magic works with stuff like clothes, but for me, it took some practice. It didn’t take long to harness the magic needed to shift my clothes with me.”

I did not want him to see me naked for the first time here in a motel room with a bunch of bikers outside waiting on us. Quickly, I turned and tucking my paw under the neatly made bed, I shoved the bedding down, intending on nosing under the sheet before I tried to shift.

Chapter Five


Icouldn’t hold back my laughter. Watching Lily-Rose in her cat form try to crawl under the bed covers was one of the cutest damn things I’d ever seen. She stilled when I started to chuckle, then turned to glare and hiss at me.

“Oh, c’mon, sweetheart. You gotta know how funny you look trying to get into bed as a cat. You don’t want me to see you naked?”

She lowered her head and if a cat could blush, she would, I was sure. As much as I’d fucking love to drag this out and keep playing with my mate, we had places to be. Moving to the bed, I pulled the blankets off until I had the sheet free and clear.

“I’ll hold this up between us and you can grab it to wrap around yourself after you shift, okay?”

Hopefully, she’d think I was going to keep the sheet up so I’d only be able to see her face. The way she sat there, blinking up at me like she was waiting for something else, indicated I was shit-out-of-luck on that happening.

“I ain’t turning around, Lily-Rose. This is as good as you’re gonna fucking get. Deal with it.”

She was my fucking mate and I wanted to see every inch of her. I wanted to lick, nip and touch every inch of her too, but that would have to wait. I also wanted to watch her shift. When she’d changed earlier, it had been a sudden, emotion-charged transformation that I’d barely caught sight of. Every animal shifted in a slightly different manner, and I was damn curious how she’d differ from me.

With a little huff, she closed her eyes and lowered her head, hopefully focusing on changing. A rain of amber sparks began to swirl around her a moment before her body began to transform, growing and lengthening until she was kneeling on the bed in her human form.

Instantly, my mouth watered at the sight of her sitting there, lush tits out, nipples tight in the coolness of the room’s air conditioning. As much as I didn’t want to cover her sexy-as-fuck body, I moved forward and wrapped the sheet around her. The moment I made contact, her eyes flew open on a gasp, as though she hadn’t realized she’d managed to shift until that moment. And fuck me, but when the tip of her tongue ran over her bottom lip, I wanted to follow it with my own and find out if she tasted as good as she smelled.

“Let’s get you in the shower. You’ll feel better once you’re clean.”

Although her shift had removed any dirt she had on her, a shower would help relax her muscles. Hurt flashed across her eyes as she snatched the sheet out of my hands and finished tucking it around her after she slipped off the bed. Instinct had me reaching out to soothe her. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I gathered her in against me. Sliding a palm up her spine, I tangled my fingers in her long, blonde locks and pulled her head back until she was looking me directly in the eyes. She couldn’t fail to notice how hard my cock was. My jeans did fuck all to hide the damn thing.

“Don’t doubt for a fucking second how much I want you. And Iwillshow you. But not here, and not now. When I come inside you for the first time, it’ll be when I have all fucking night to make sure you know you want to belong to me, we clear?”

With her mouth open, she silently blinked up at me like I’d shocked her, but at least she wasn’t looking hurt or rejected anymore. Unable to resist getting at least a small taste of my mate, I lowered my head. Lapping my tongue over her plush bottom lip, I sucked it into my mouth and gave it a light tug before releasing it and taking her mouth in a kiss I knew would leave her lips swollen and marked with my possession. A shiver ran up my spine as her small hands crept around my waist, slipping under my shirt to sear my skin with her scorching touch.

Giving up on my idiotic idea to put off claiming her, I pulled from her lips long enough to tear the sheet off her body and the shirt from mine, then I was back on her, my lips against hers as I lifted her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, her slick pussy pressing against my abs having me nearly losing my fucking mind. She was wet and warm, ready to be fucked. And my cock was hard enough to pound nails… more than ready to claim this little bombshell for my own.

With a growl, I spun us and had her up against a wall while I reached around her legs to get to the fly on my pants so I could free my cock that was aching with my need for her. Ending the kiss, I nipped at her chin before moving up her jawline, nibbling her soft skin as I went.

“I thought—” She shuddered when I got to her ear and tugged on the delicate little lobe. “Thought you said you wouldn’t fuck me till we had all night.”

Before I responded, I ran my nose down the side of her neck, then licked at the spot I wanted to mark before I responded.

“I underestimated how strong the mating fever would be. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to fucking think straight till I have my cock in you.” Pulling away from her throat, I ran my gaze down her body, taking in the flush that had spread from her face, down across her chest. Her tits were moving with her every breath and her beaded nipples had my mouth watering for a taste. Without another thought, I wrapped my hands around either side of her waist and hauled her up the wall higher. She squealed at the sudden movement and gripped my shoulders tighter when I took the first of her nipples deep into my mouth and sucked hard on it.

“Oh, mmm…” She hummed and ground her pussy against my abs.

I swirled my tongue around the tight bud then released it from my mouth so I could blow air over the wet flesh. When I switched to her other breast and did the same thing to that one, she whimpered and shifted her grip to my hair. I wasn’t sure if she was pulling me closer or pushing me away. Her skin tasted like the honeysuckle that dominated her unique scent and the longer I licked and suckled on her tits, the more I wondered what her cream would taste like.

Aware we had limited time, I reluctantly lifted my mouth away from her skin and looked up into her face.

“Wish I had all fucking day to spend just sucking on your tits, babe. But we don’t, so this is gonna be hard and fast.”

She smiled at me and moved her hand to cup my jaw, rubbing her soft skin against my short beard. “It’s all I’ve ever had, Cujo. You don’t need to worry about me.”

A growl ripped from my throat as a red-hot fury slammed through me. Not only had her piece of shit father pimped her out, no one had ever taken his time with her. I bet that shit went further than just sexually speaking, too. That was something we had in common. I’d been stolen as a cub and put through over a decade of experiments and tests. There’d been no Alpha to guide me, no mother for comfort. Lily-Rose and I weren’t so different from each other.

“That changes here and now. You willneverbe left wanting. Not in any way. I will always fucking take care of you. Not just sexually, but in every way you need.”

Tears welled in her eyes and she sucked in her lower lip and bit down on it.
