Page 50 of Ink & Dust

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“Are you sure? You could get a lot of money for them.”

He smiled sadly. “The sale gave me more than enough to buy a small place near Kate. She’s all I have left. You love those horses and I know you’ll care for them. It’s also been obvious these past months they’re pining for you. It would be cruel to keep you separated permanently.”

I swiped the tears from my cheeks. “They saved my life. They blocked them from getting to me after I fell from Whiskey.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I read the reports and spoke with Scout. You’re bonded, especially to Whiskey, so I’m giving them to you.”

“Thank you. I will cherish all three of them for the rest of their lives.”

With a final nod and grim smile, he turned and walked back toward the house.

“I don’t even know how to process what just happened.”

“How about you go in and say hi to them for a start, then Silk will help us load them up and we’ll get them over to my place.”

Giddy with excitement, I rushed into the barn and was greeted by three loud whinnies.

“Hello, ladies, I’ve missed you too!”

Starting with Whiskey, I went to each one and gave them some pats, rubs and cuddles.

“Guess we’re taking you to your new home now!”

Boone didn’t want me risking hurting my arm, but Whiskey refused to budge for him or Silk, so using my left hand to hold her lead, I guided her out to the trailer. Once all three were loaded, I turned to Boone and threw myself into his arms. He caught me with a laugh and spun me around before putting me back down.

“Right. Well, I think that’s my cue to leave! Have fun, kids!”

I waved over Boone’s shoulder to Silk as she got in her car and headed off.

“Guess that means you’re stuck with me and the horses.”

He lowered his head and kissed me, not stopping until he had me dizzy with desire.

“Gabs, I love you to the moon and back, darlin’ and I’ll gladly be stuck with you forever.”

Tears tracked down my cheeks again as joy blasted through my heart.

“I love you so much, Bo. Let’s get the horses settled so I can show you just how much I’ve missed your touch.”

“That sounds like the perfect plan.”
