Page 10 of Ice Storm

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“You’re too honest for your own good, angel,” I say, cupping her cheek and smoothing my thumb over her plump bottom lip.

Her tongue darts out to taste the pad of my thumb. “No point playing games. I like you, Harrison.” A slight frown mars her brow. “I was scared when Elli told me you were injured. I just wanted to get to you, see with my own eyes that you were okay.”

I slide my hand around the nape of her neck and tug her head down to mine. “You’re too damned good for me, Jessica, but I can’t seem to give a damn. Last chance to run.”

Her breath puffs over my lips, her eyes darkening with desire as she whispers, “It’s already too late.”

I close the sliver of space between us, brushing my mouth against hers. She moans and presses her mouth to mine with more enthusiasm than skill. One thing is clear about my beautiful angel—she’s not experienced. The thought only makes my cock harder, and I groan as I take over the kiss, licking along the seam of her lips so she opens for me.

Her hands move to my chest to steady herself, fisting my hospital gown. My pain is forgotten as I tangle my tongue with hers, tasting her, breathing in her addictive scent and committing it to memory.

We’re both breathing hard when I break the kiss endless minutes later. Jessica’s cheeks are flushed, her lips swollen, and she’s never looked more beautiful.

“Wow,” she breathes, her drowsy eyes searching mine.

“Good job I’m in this bed, angel, or I’d have you bent over the nearest surface with my cock buried deep inside you,” I rasp, my body on fire.

She sucks in a breath and her eyes widen. Yeah, she likes the sound of that. My body is screaming at me to make it a reality.

Her next words shock me.

“Then I guess you’d better hurry up and get out of that bed.”

Chapter Seven


They keep Harrison in the hospital for two nights before they release him. I check into the hotel we stayed at the night of the fundraiser so I can be close by. I don’t question my actions too closely—I just know I want to be near him. I thought love at first sight was for other people, but I’ve been hit square in the chest by Cupid’s arrow.

And then there wasthatkiss—a kiss that had me wanting to straddle him and rub myself against the huge erection tenting the hospital bedsheet. I’ve never felt this way for anyone, and it’s a little scary, but everything in me wants to see where this goes with Harrison. I sense he’s been fighting this connection between us, and I’m not sure why. He’s been hurt. I couldfeelhis reluctance to trust again, but something changed before we kissed—I saw it in his eyes. I hope he comes to trust me enough to share whatever hurt him because he’s it for me. Mack has always said when I love, I do it with everything in me, and he’s not wrong.

Some of Harrison’s teammates visit him in the hospital, cheering him up with their easygoing banter. They won the game in which he was injured, and the team is through to their second consecutive final. I know how hard that must be for Harrison, knowing he’s out due to his injury. It’s clear he hasn’t told his teammates he’s been fired when they reassure him he’ll be back fighting fit next season. It’s not my place to question why he’s kept the news quiet—I’m sure he has his reasons, and he’s still coming to terms with it himself.

“. . . no drinking, no strenuous exercise,” the doctor is saying, pulling me from my thoughts.

He looks at me, and I nod. “I’ll make sure he gets plenty of rest.”

Satisfied, the doctor leaves Harrison and me alone.

“I’ve called an Uber,” I tell him, suddenly feeling shy.

He’s dressed in the sweatpants and T-shirt Noah brought from his apartment when he and Elli visited. The T-shirt hugs his flat abs and broad chest, and it’s all I can do not to climb him like a tree.

“You don’t have to come with me, Jessica,” he says softly.

“You don’t want me to?” I ask uncertainly.

He closes his eyes and his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “More than anything, but I don’t trust myself to keep my hands off you.”

My heart stutters in my chest at his confession. I move closer, coming to a halt before him, and capture his eyes with mine. “Maybe I don’t want you to keep your hands off me.”

He cups my face in his big hands. “Fuck, angel, you may just be the death of me.”

I smile. “Hope not. I have plans for you.”

“Oh? What kind of plans?” he asks, brushing his mouth over mine.

“The kind that involves us naked in bed,” I whisper, shocked at my forwardness. It seems shy Jessica has left the building in favor of a woman who knows what she wants. And she wants Harrison.
