Page 9 of Ice Storm

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And I’ve spent the last one hundred and sixty-eight hours missing her. There’s a reason I’ve been celibate for the last few years. During that time, nothing tempted me from that decision. Until now. Until Jessica.

Having her in my arms gave me a sense of peace I hadn’t felt for a long time—maybe ever. She curled her soft body around mine so trustingly. I could’ve stayed like that forever, which is saying something for a man who never stands still for too long. Her calming aura was a balm to my soul. My past regrets, my future failings . . . none of them mattered when I was with her.

The last seven days have consisted of intense training in preparation for tonight’s semi-final. But Jessica has never been far from my thoughts. With every stride on the ice and strike of the puck, she’s been in my brain. How her dress caressed her curves and emphasized her beautiful blue eyes. Her luscious body in her lacy underwear was enough to test the patience of a saint, all smooth skin and soft valleys I wanted to lose myself in. Hell, even holding her hair while she puked was a fucking honor. Caring for her filled a lonely part I didn’t know was there, like I’d finally found my purpose in life.

I want her, but my life is a mess right now. I still have no idea where my career is headed after my final game next week. Noah and I have talked about me going into business with him, but it’s not sitting right with me. Part of me feels like I’d be jumping on his tailcoats rather than building something successful of my own.

Jessica is special. She deserves a man who’s got his shit together, and that’s not me.

The claxon sounds, signaling the start of the semi-final. The arena is packed, and the crowd is expecting a good show. Both teams are playing for glory, and the scrape of the ice beneath our blades is almost loud enough to drown out their roars.

I jump straight into the fray, giving the forwards the space to maneuver the puck closer to the net.

The other team doesn’t have an enforcer, but that’s their choice. I’m here to do a job, and I do it well, regardless of the fact I’ll be leaving soon.

We light the lamp with a goal, and the crowd goes wild. The atmosphere feeds my demons, urging me to find a fight. But no one on the opposing team is taking the bait.

I’m about to block an opponent from reaching my guy with the puck when someone crashes into me from behind with such force I hear something pop.

Pain radiates through my lower back, and I fall to the ice, trying to catch my breath. Flecks of ice fly into my face as the game continues around me and I attempt to stand.

But I can’t.

Finally, someone realizes I’m injured, and the medics come onto the ice with a stretcher to cart me off.

“I’ll be fine,” I growl as they try to haul me up. But I can’t get my legs to work right. A hot, tingling mass of pain is shooting down both legs.

Panic engulfs me as I finally allow the medics to roll me onto the stretcher and remove me from the game.

Looks like my hockey career is over sooner than I thought.

I’m taken to the hospital and subjected to a barrage of tests, including an MRI scan showing bruising on my spine. The docs decide to keep me in overnight, seeing as I haven’t regained full sensation in my legs yet. Apparently, this will return once the bruising goes down.

To say I’m pissed is an understatement. This is not how I expected to retire from the only career I’ve ever known and loved.

They move me to a private room and give me something for the pain, which makes me drowsy, and sleep pulls me under.

When I next open my eyes, I’m sure I’m dreaming because a blonde-haired, blue-eyed angel is sitting in the chair at my bedside.

“Hey, you’re awake,” she says softly when she notices me stir. She stands, and her cool hand lands on my forehead, smoothing my hair from my brow. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I got hit in the back by a bulldozer,” I grunt, wincing as I shift my weight. “What are you doing here?”

“Mack and Harmony had some downtime between their next gigs, so we were at the house in the Catskills when Elli called to say you were in the hospital. I had Max drive me straight here. Seemed only fair to return the favor when you took such good care of me last week.”

She smiles, and suddenly I know everything is going to be okay. I’ve avoided her this last week, scared of the emotions she’s unleashed in me. So many times, I was tempted to text Mack for her number, only to change my mind. Christ, we haven’t even kissed, but our connection is undeniable, and I’m done running. I’m done giving Fate the upper hand. I’m taking the reins.

“I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have as my personal nurse,” I murmur. I twine my fingers with hers and bring her hand to my mouth, kissing her knuckles.

Jessica’s eyes widen at the simple caress, and she shivers. Innocence shines from those beautiful eyes.Jesus,she’s so responsive. I can’t wait to see her reaction when I kiss her sweet lips and taste her soft flesh. Because I will. It’s simply a matter of time.

“I was hoping . . .” She trails off, dropping her eyes and shaking her head.

“You were hoping what?” I prompt, tugging her closer.

“I was hoping you’d call me. I missed you when I woke up,” she admits softly. “I could still smell you on the pillow next to me.”

Dear God, this woman is going to kill me with her honesty. No games. No guile. Just a pure spirit. My back may be bruised, but my cock is still in working order and swells beneath the thin hospital sheet.
