Page 20 of Ice Storm

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“You selling me out?” I demand, causing both women to spin their heads to face me.

Jessica looks confused. “Harrison?” she asks in surprise.

“Good to see you again, Harrison,” Shelley says, her voice dripping with venom.

Jessica’s eyes flit between us. “You two know each other?”

“I can’t believe you’d do this.” I shake my head in disgust. “I can’t believe I fell for it.”

I turn and storm out of the bar, my rage building further as bitter memories fight for room in my brain.

I vowed never to be conned by another woman. What a fucking idiot. My plans for the future are crumbling around my ears.

Chapter Eleven


I watch in confusion, my throat thick with tears as Harrison slam out of the bar.

Turning back to Shelley, I find her looking at me with one eyebrow raised.“Knocking boots with Harrison Tensly?”

There’s more to her words, but I barely know the woman, and I have no idea what’s just happened. The hurt and anger in Harrison’s eyes was devastating.

I want to go after him, demand to know what he’s talking about, but I’m at work. Shelley Mackie is interviewing me about the band and the fundraiser before interviewing Harmony and Mack later in the week.

Only now, I can’t focus on what we were talking about and Shelley is asking me loads of questions about Harrison.

My eyes narrow on her. “How do you know each other?”

Shelley smiles innocently. “I’m surprised he didn’t tell you. We were together a few years ago, but Harrison broke it off.”

Oh, shit.Has she lured me here in some sick attempt to get back with him? To get backathim? Harrison mentioned a relationship going bad—was it with Shelley? She seems so . . . cold. Not his type at all.

“He’s just been fired from the New York Ice Giants after they won the season. As his girlfriend, you must have some insight into that?”

Girlfriend?The word prickles my heart. I know we didn’t put a label on our relationship, but I thought we weresomething.

“I’m not here to talk about Harrison,” I say firmly, meeting her eyes head-on.

“So rumors of his celibacy aren’t true? He’sstillsleeping around and breaking hearts everywhere he goes?”

What?That’s not the Harrison I know. The one who held me so tenderly, made me feel desired and gave me pleasure unlike anything I’ve experienced.

I grit my teeth. “Miss Mackie, can we get back to discussing the band? They’re working so hard and their new album is almost complete, and—"

Shelley dismisses my words with a wave of her hand, her bracelets jangling.“People don’t care about that. But they do care aboutthat.’ She points toward the door Harrison slammed out of minutes ago.

“Then this interview is over,” I say between clenched teeth, rising to my feet.

“If you change your mind,” she places her card on the table, “you know where to reach me.”

I pick up the card and tear it in half, resisting the urge to slap her Botoxed face before turning my back and leaving the bar.

Outside, I suck in a breath. Then I begin to panic. We’re supposed to be promoting the upcoming album, something I’ve worked so hard on. And now it’s falling to pieces because Harrison threw a fit.He clearly has no respect for me if he thinks I’ve somehow betrayed him.

I close my eyes, fighting back the tears. I chose him. Wholeheartedly and without reservation. But he obviously doesn’t care about me if he so easily believes the worst of me.

I call his number, but it goes straight to voicemail. I end the call and try again with the same result. Next, I call Harmony.
