Page 21 of Ice Storm

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“Hey, Jess. What’s up?” she greets. “We’re about to start practice.”

Guilt coils in my stomach. Of course, they’re working, and I’ve potentially ruined the promotional stuff for them.

“Nothing, it’s okay. I’ll catch you later. I’m on my way home.”

I hang up and quickly call an Uber. I have no idea how everything has gone so wrong so quickly.I steel my spine. If Harrison wants me, he can damn well grovel on his knees. I don’t deserve whatever that was back in the bar.

I make my way to the hotel. Even though I’ve been spending my nights with Harrison, I'm still checked in there. The memory of being in his arms twists the knife deeper into my heart.

The Uber is waiting once I’ve checked out. I climb into the backseat and lean my head back with a sigh.

Looks like my great love affair is over before it’s begun.

The Uber drops me at our place in the Catskills. The familiar sight of the house Mack had purpose-built brings a lump to my throat. I moved into the guest house when Mack and Harmony got together, giving them their privacy, although the house is huge. No way did I want to hear my brother and his wife getting frisky between the sheets.

I pay the driver, grab my bag, and head into the main house to find Mack and Harmony.

Mack looks up from the copy of B-Side Magazine he’s reading with Harmony snuggled up at his side. “Here she is. Thought you were never coming back. How did the interview go?”

The wall holding back my tears cracks, and I break down.

“Jess? What the fuck?” Mack surges to his feet and approaches me. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know,” I sob as he pulls me into a tight hug. “I went and Shelley was there and then Harrison came and she’s his ex and he thought I betrayed him so he stormed out and,” I pause, sucking in a breath, “and I love him!”

Mack gapes at me, trying to make sense of my rambling. His gaze moves helplessly to Harmony, who’s come to stand next to him.

Harmony touches his arm. “I love you, but I need you to leave.”

“What do you mean, leave?” he demands, confusion crinkling his forehead. “I wanna know why the fuck my sister’s heart is breaking. If that fucker has hurt her—”

“Mack,” Harmony says calmly, cupping his face. “We need girl time. Trust me on this.”

Her touch calms him a little, and he blows out a breath. “Okay, but I want details once you’re done. I need to know whose face I’m rearranging.”

His words almost make me laugh—my fiercely protective brother. There have been times when that protectiveness has frustrated the hell out of me, but at this moment, I feel lucky to be so loved.

“What’s going on, sweet?” Harmony asks softly once he’s left, leading me to the sofa.

“I had sex with Harrison. Lots of sex. Amazing sex,” I say, swiping at my tears.

Harmony’s mouth twitches. “And . . . that’snota good thing?” she asks tentatively.

“Oh, no, it was great. Out of this world. But then Harrison turned up while Shelley Mackie was interviewing me, and he flipped out, accused me of selling him out, whatever that means. I knew he had a relationship go bad. Turns out it was with her. But I don’t understand why he was so angry and said I sold him out. I tried to call him but kept getting his voicemail. So I checked out of the hotel and came home. I won’t be treated that way, no matter how much I love him.”

“Shit,” Harmony breathes, her expression sympathetic.

“Yeah,” I sigh.

Harmony falls quiet for a minute before speaking. “If he truly feels anything for you, he’ll fight to keep you. And if he does, give him a chance to explain. Remember what happened with Mack and me when I overheard his conversation and thought he considered me a burden?”

I nod, remembering it clearly. Harmony heard one side of a conversation and jumped to conclusions, resulting in her panic attack.

“But this is different. Harrison was right in front of me. The hurt and disgust in his eyes were aimed right at me,” I say tearily, knowing I’ll never forget how he looked at me. Like I’d betrayed him in the worst possible way.

“All I’m saying is that crossed wires and poor communication cause so many issues in a relationship. I’m not defending him or condoning his actions, but he must have his reasons for reacting how he did. And if he cares, he’ll want to put things right. And if he doesn’t, count it as a lucky escape.”

“What about the interview?” I ask miserably. “I tore up her card and walked out on her. I’ve ruined your promotional interview.”
