Page 160 of The Perfect Wrong

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And she listens good as I part her legs and sink inside her.

Delia’s voice cracks in this sexy, splintered moan that nearly makes me blow.

Thank fuck for all the discipline I’ve built up over the years.

I slide my hands over her, feeling her tits.

I pinch her nipples so hard, loving how she gasps.

It’s the signal I need to swing my hips up, digging deeper, claiming what’s mine.

We go hard, rampant, finding the understanding in rhythmic flesh and breathless strokes.

Until today, I’ve never fucked a woman with such desperation. It’s always been the other way around.

Now, my need is so intense I can feel her heartbeat in the silky flesh wrapped snug around my dick.

It makes me thrust harder, quickening the frenzy, stroking her so deeply from the inside out that I want to break her, smear us both together just like her lurid paints into blinding new colors.

“Chris!” she whimpers my name, tossing her head back, her lips peeled open in rapture.

“Fuck everything about you, Delia Burr,” I whisper, grabbing her softly by the throat and pulling her head back to kiss her deeply. “You’re too good for me to ever quit.”

Then her pussy tightens on my cock.

She’s coming out her soul.

I have to work to keep thrusting through it to avoid going off with her.

For the first time in my life, I wish I had a cock ring.

Her pussy milks me with a need that flays me open. It’s like she’s got a second tongue down there sucking me off, teasing the come from my balls.

I kiss her again, fisting her hair.

Her lips meld against mine mid-climax, stealing a shrill whimper. I taste her lust boiling back on my tongue.

“Don’t. Fucking. Stop.” It’s all I can thunder as I slam into her, fucking straight through her release, feeling like an armed grenade.

She’s practically boneless now.

My thrusts are the only thing still holding her up.

Her knees shake, wanting to buckle and send her crashing down before she hits her second wind.

I don’t let that happen.

I slow my strokes just enough to stay sane and grab her by the waist, pushing my tongue in and out of her mouth.

Even when I’m filling two holes at once it’s not enough.

Her lips are mine.

Her pussy belongs to me.

I meant what I said.

Everything about being wrapped up in this woman feels so goddamned right I just can’t leave her.
