Page 173 of The Perfect Wrong

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I think it’s the first time since Mom left that I’ve seen him look like he’s staring down a speeding freight train, coming to obliterate what’s left of his miserable world.

“Cordelia?” he whispers dryly. “Is it true?”

“Dad, no! I have no idea what she’s talking about,” I rush out, clearing the nervous lump in my throat.

I hate lying. Especially about something this intensely important.

But Ireallyhate being confronted by this crazy, selfish witch who will never even try to understand what Chris really means to me.

“Evie,” Dad whispers softly, shaking his head like he’s fighting off a nightmare embedded in his brain. “You must be mistaken, honey. Are you sure it isn’t the stress? Are your symptoms worse today? You should eat more salad. I had the chef pile it with blueberries and those candied pecans you love. You remember what your doctors said about the benefits, right?”

Oh, God.

He’s trying so hard, but he just sounds like he’s talking to a child, or maybe a badly trained dog.

And the razor-sharp glint in Evie’s pale-green eyes say exactly how she feels about it, too.

Before she can open her mouth and lay into him again, Dad stands up with a sheepish smile.

I try not to cringe as he walks to her, throwing an arm over her shoulders.

It’s such a sad, caring scene.

My heart would’ve melted in my chest, if only it wasn’t pounding like a hummingbird on crack.

Dad doesn’t believe her.

He thinks it’s too crazy for real life.

Does that mean he’s reallythatappalled at the idea of his daughter falling in love with her stepbrother?

My stomach churns, and it has nothing to do with eating enough blueberries to reenact that purple transformation fromWilly Wonka.

And Ihatethat I’m even afraid after Chris was so bold with me.

It shouldn’t matter what they think or anyone else.

We’re in love, and no judgmental crap ought to change that.

But when I saw Dad’s face go whiter than a sheet...

My own fork slips and clatters on my plate, causing them to look up from their stormy embrace.

Evie gives me another disgusted look, a cruel sharpness in her eyes.

“Bruce, I think you’d better have a talk with your dearest daughter. You’re right, it’s better that you hear it from her. Not me. But I promise you, I’m not imagininganything.”

My heart leaps into my throat.

“Evangeline, please. I’m sure if there were anything untoward happening, Cordelia would let me know,” he says gently.

He still doesn’t believe her.Thank God.

Too bad lying is the only thing holding me back from total disaster. Because if he’s this freaked out just hearing it would he feel if heknew?

Evie grabs his arm and throws him off with an exasperated sound like a snake.

She staggers up, hurling her napkin over her half-finished food, and glares at my poor whipped father.
