Page 184 of The Perfect Wrong

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Is that what he’s worried about?

He thinks I’ll run off with another man or lose interest when he isn’t around?

It should piss me off.

I want to believe I’ve earned his trust, but something about this fear that’s disguised in his usual dirty language, feels weirdly endearing.

Regaining my strength, I stretch up on my tiptoes and push my lips to his, kissing him with a brand-new hunger.

This isn’t about his worries.

He’s opening up to me right now, exposing a crack in the stoic testosterone armor I’m so used to.

I run my hand over his face, admiring his powerful jawline.

We kiss for a few more fraught minutes, trying to get more, more, and it’s never enough.

My thighs shift together, hungry to feel him wedged between them.

“You know there’s nothing to worry about, right? I don’t know how to date a super soldier man, but I’ll learn. You’re worth it, Chris.” Smiling, I tell him everything, hoping it’s what he needs to hear.

“These missions don’t always go off clean, Delia. Guys get killed. Or captured. They might not come back for years. Sometimes they come home in pieces.” There’s a brutish edge in his voice like he’s preparing me for something horrific.

Like he knows we’re racing headfirst into the darkness, plummeting into the scary depths of his life that could drag him down, never to resurface.

“I get it. I’ve done my research. I have some idea what it’s like for those poor military wives...”

He cocks his head, smug disbelief lining his lips.

“All theory. That’s a start, but it’s no stand-in for experience. And I don’t just mean mine. Cordelia, are you ready to put your life on hold for me? To accept there’s a chance I might not come home to kiss you again?”

My breath stalls.

Okay, now I see what this is.

One more chance to back out.

For a second, grim possibilities swirl in my head, foggy and anxious and sad.

Then I mouth “no,” shaking my head so hard it hurts.

I want to kiss him with the entire weight of my soul.

Everything that proves I know what I’m asking for.

What I’m accepting just by being with him.

Didn’t he save my life once?

Didn’t I see what could happen when things go wrong, up close and scarily personal?

Why thehellwould I crack up now?

I lean in and whisper in his ear, “With you, I’m ready for anything, Prince Charming Dick. So, are you just going to stand around gabbing all night—or will you stop worrying and get me on my back?”

His eyes light up and he laughs.

He kisses me deeply, his tongue chasing mine.
