Page 185 of The Perfect Wrong

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“Love the way you think, Miss Delia. Guess you’ve learned a thing or two about pleasing my stubborn ass.”

* * *

I needthis damn dress offnow.

I’m climbing the wall, pressed up against it, deliciously crushed under Chris and a relentless flurry of kisses.

With too many people lounging around the beach, we snuck into the basement.

Dad’s wine cellar is usually locked. Thank God, or else we’d probably find a few partiers down here, passed out in a puddle of thousand-dollar wine.

We’ve got to be careful with all the bottles against the wall.

There’s a granite counter with a sink in the center, and that’s where Chris takes me next, tearing off my dress as he sucks at my neck.

“Faster, Chris... Get me naked,” I whimper, raking my nails down his chest, so overwhelmed with lust I feel like a melting candle. “I need you inside me.”

Sweet Jesus.

It’s like I’m in heat.

All I can think about is that black dragon snaking its way across his chest, swaying while he thrusts, the trident slashing across his muscular canvas like Zeus’ own lightning.

“Working on it, princess. I’m doing you a courtesy, trying not to shred this fancy dress that’s had my cock throbbing all night.”

Who cares?my eyes say.

My sigh becomes breathless.

I swing my legs around him, pushing them down his firm ass, begging to feel him break me to pieces.

“Oh, just take it off. Marnie helped me find this one and she’ll help me again,” I say, beyond impatient.

“You sure, Delia?” He stops and grins, waiting for me to nod. “Fine. Suit yourself.”

Powerful hands reach behind me, his fingers so restless.

My jaw drops as I feel him pull, hear the shearingriiiiiip!

The man doesn’t make false promises.

Hecompletelytears my dress off and flings it on the floor, moving his hands to my bra and panties next.

They’re gone in half a heartbeat.

I’m trying to work on him too, but my fingers keep trembling.

I’m just too horny to be coordinated right now.

But he moves his thick hands over mine, helping me open him up.

The princely military suit slowly reveals the bad boy underneath.

Marching inks and razor-sharp symbols like wire and runes fill my eyes, branded on every rock-hard inch of him.

Gentleman by day.

Beautiful bastard after dark.
