Page 203 of The Perfect Wrong

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Dad knocks on my door several times, calling my name.

“Go away!” I shout.

The silence and receding footsteps tell me he gives up.

He still respects my privacy, I guess.

As far as I’m concerned, this trouble is all in their own dumb heads.

If only they’d fret over Chris this much when he’s the one who actually needs it. He’s facing a thousand traumas, and I’m only up against one.


Will he even be the same man if he comes home with a broken body, mind, or spirit?

I thought I’d braced myself for the agonies of a military man’s woman. I thought I could stand them, but now..., I have to focus to stay calm enough to breathe, and we’re not even married yet.

Holy hell.

I wish he’d offered me a ring before he left.

I don’t care how insane that sounds.

I want to be his, irrevocably.

Even if the price is worrying myself sick, suffocating in this gaping silence where he’s completely at fate’s mercy.

For love, I’m ready to suffer, the same way I know he hurts for me too.

I only hope whatever he’s gotten himself into means he’ll still return in one piece.

It’s late evening before I go downstairs to scavenge up some dinner to reheat. I’m finally feeling up to a warm meal.

I think about going out, but it’s almost ten o’clock, and I’m not keen on driving into the city after dark with crowded bars and limited other options.

I find some leftover curry in the fridge and pop it in the microwave, grabbing a coconut water on my way out.

Maybe I’ll get out and go for a run—assuming Dad hasn’t told security to keep me under lockdown.

It’d be nice to burn off some of this tension turning my muscles into tangled knots. And it’s not just the constant worry about Chris that has me on edge.

This is the first full week I haven’t slept with him since Vegas.

My body misses his like a drug.

I’m wearing the same panties I did on our first trip now, and the memory alone makes me wet and sad. Never a fun combination.

So I sit down on the patio next to the pool and tuck into my food, willing myself to taste the layered spices rather than dead slag.


I’m still chewing in perfect sync with my brain, off in la la land, when Evie steps in front of me.

“What do you want?” I snap, looking at the dark-green liquid in the cocktail glass she’s brought with her.So much for being clean.“Did you just come to taunt me or hide your drinking from Dad?”

I’d give anything to wipe that smirk off her face.
