Page 222 of The Perfect Wrong

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He pauses.

We lock eyes.

“...I misjudged you, Chris. Terribly. I wanted my marriage to work so badly I bought her lies, no matter how ridiculous. Worst of all, I went digging for proof of what you said about Evangeline even after you told me in that letter how much you love my daughter. If I’d had my damned wits, I shouldn’t have ever doubted you.”

“Don’t know what you’re getting at, but it’s water under the bridge, Bruce. I get it. It’s not every day a guy falls for his own stepsister.”

Again, that pained smile. I can tell it’s aimed inward, though, like he’s riddled with guilt.

“There’s no need to beat yourself to a pulp,” I tell him. “Especially if you’re cool with us now. I know I’m not the kind of dude you imagined dating her. Probably. I don’t have your money or fancy college degrees—and I’m happy I don’t. All I can give you is my word that I’ll always love Delia with my all. More than I ever knew I could love anyone, honestly.”

“We’re more than 'cool,' Christopher. Any man who talked sense into me on top of saving my little girl and putting a criminal mastermind away is more than fit for my little girl. If you hadn’t left that letter, I’d like to think I’d have come to my senses, but...Christ. What if I hadn’t? What if I kept plummeting deeper into toxic decisions? You didn’t just save Cordelia. You savedme.”

I’m frigging shook.

The agony on his face startles me. I hate my mother even more for what she’s done to him, shattering his confidence.

Still, he’s a good man. If so much can change in his family, I have every reason to believe Bruce can pull himself back together again.

I lay a firm hand on his shoulder.

“Stop it. You don’t need to keep coming with the blame and apologies and I don’t want to hear it. If I’ve got your blessing, that’s it. That’s everything I need,” I tell him.

He shakes his head slowly. “Yes. Absolutely. Please take care of my daughter. She needs you more than ever while she’s about to graduate and go out into the world. She’s a strong young woman—I don’t need to tell you—and she could make it on her own. However, I’d rather have her stepping out in the world with a boyfriend like you at her side.”

I flash him a grin, honestly touched.

Now I just have to make sure there’s no misunderstanding.

Clearing my throat, I lean forward before I say, “I’m only planning to be her boyfriend for a little while, Bruce. If she’ll have me, I plan to keep her. For life.”

He looks at me numbly for a second before his eyes light up. “You’re asking for—oh. Oh, God.”


I hope like hell I haven’t overstepped my line. Maybe it’s a bit much asking for him to sign off on a ring when he’s just gotten used to the thought of us dating.

“Yes. Hell yes!” He almost shouts it when he throws his arms around me and squeezes until my damaged body hurts. “I’ll be happier to have you as a son-in-law than a stepson.”

I don’t even care about the pain as I slap his back and pull away. His phone buzzes loudly in his pocket, prompting him to retrieve it.

“Ah. There’s your mother’s lawyer,” he says, the smile sliding off his face. “I hate to cut this short, I’m afraid, but—”

“It’s all good. We’ll have all the time to catch up later.”

“You didn’t let me finish,” he says with a grin. “Delia’s waiting outside. Rather impatiently, I bet, because I haven’t ducked out to send her in yet. You ready?”

I smile and nod.

I can’t even feel my swollen face or the broken ribs anymore.

I’m so damn ready for the rest of my life with this woman that I wish it’d started years ago.

Bruce turns to go.

“Wait, one more thing!” I call after him. “Whatever happens in the divorce, don’t let her get anything without treatment.”

“I’m afraid that’ll be up to an agreement and the judge,” he says glumly. “Genius that I am, I didn’t bother with a prenuptial agreement. I expect she’ll reach for whatever she can under the circumstances, but my lawyer says it should be reasonably limited due to the short duration of the marriage. I’m prepared to agree to everything, within reason, just to get this over with.”
