Page 26 of Rogue

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My heart is thundering in my chest, and my brain is having trouble keeping up. What kind of things could he be getting downstairs? “I…uh…yes.”

“Good. Wear it.”

I take a long, hot shower while he’s gone, reveling in the spaciousness of a full-size shower, the water pressure, and the luxurious rainwater shower head after the last few days of squeezing into the tiny bathroom on the boat, and before that, in the rundown but cheap hotel room I had rented in Coron. I take my time, preparing myself for him, making sure every inch of my skin and sex is soft and smooth. Just thinking about what’s to come makes my breasts feel heavy, and as my hands stroke the soap across my hypersensitive skin, I imagine it’s his hands on my body, taking what he wants. By the time I emerge from the bathroom wearing the dress and a hint of makeup, my hair still slightly damp, I feel flushed with arousal.

He’s waiting for me, sitting in the lone chair with one ankle casually propped on the opposite knee, somehow managing to look both sensual and powerful, although he’s not doing anything. It reminds me of the first time I saw him, sitting just like this at the club in Vegas, watching me with that same predatory look in his eyes. As I step out of the bathroom, his gaze rakes over me, taking in the light, floaty sundress I added to my bag at the last minute, just in case.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he says, and in the reflection of his unequivocal appraisal, I feel like the most stunning woman in the world. “Come here.”

I obey, wordlessly crossing the room to stand where he indicates between his legs.

“Kneel for me.” The sensual rasp of his voice is unleashing butterflies in my stomach, and I slowly drop to my knees. I suddenly wish I’d done more research, so I’d know more about whatever the hell we’re doing, and how I’m supposed to act. On my knees before him, I don’t know whether I should look up at him or keep my gaze down. As it is, I’m eye to eye with his crotch, and I wonder if he expects me to give him a blow job. I find the thought oddly appealing, and the huge bulge in his pants is mesmerizing. I reach for the button of his pants but he stops me, his strong hand closing over mine.

“Look at me, baby.”

I raise my eyes to his and am stunned by the hunger I see reflected in them. Usually a rich, warm brown, they’re almost black, adding to the whole sexy-fallen-angel thing he has going on.

“I’ve imagined how you’d look kneeling before me like this.” His voice is gruff with need.

He’s thought about this?

“The reality far exceeds my wildest fantasies. You look perfect.” He rubs his thumb sensually across my bottom lip and then slips it into my mouth. My lips automatically close around it, savoring the slightly rough texture as I suck lightly, my tongue tentatively flicking the pad of this thumb. He groans and pulls his thumb out of my mouth as he gets to his feet.

“Stand up, sweetheart.”

My knees feel wobbly. He must be able to tell, because he slips his arm around my waist, steadying me, and the heat of his hand burns through the thin fabric of my dress like a brand. He leans down and kisses the side of my neck, and I tilt my head, giving him better access. He trails hot kisses down the column of my neck and then steps back, his eyes still hot.

“We’d better go, or we’re going to miss our dinner reservations,” he says in a low voice.

I don’t try to hide my confusion or disappointment. I’m so aroused from the last five minutes that I feel ready to burst into flame. The last thing I’m thinking about is dinner. “But I thought we were going to…” I trail off, too self-conscious to continue.

He smiles, and it takes my breath away. “All in good time. This is part of the seduction.” He taps my head with his forefinger. “Kink starts here.”

“I thought kinky sex was handcuffs and blindfolds and stuff.”

“That’s part of it, yes.” He gently gathers my hair into a loose ponytail in his hand. Using it as leverage, he pulls my head back, exposing my throat. He brushes his fingertips across my breasts, and my sex clenches in response. “But at its essence, it’s a power exchange. One person gives their control to another. In this case, you give the power to me. Are you still willing to do that?”

“Yes.” It’s a breathless whisper.

“Good. Then let’s go.”

I pout. “Wait. We’re really going to dinner?”

His laugh is rich and throaty, and it inexplicably makes me want to drop to my knees again. “We’re really going to dinner.” He lowers his voice seductively, and my belly tightens in response. “We need to talk. I want to know what turns you on, and how far I can push you. Just give me a few minutes to shower.”

He showers quickly, emerging from the bathroom in less than five minutes wearing nothing but a towel, water droplets still clinging to his unruly dark hair. My mouth goes dry as he drops the towel. He is magnificent, his body lean and muscular, his cock thick and erect. But apparently, we’re still going to dinner, because he quickly dresses and we walk down to the beach where a table has been set up under a coconut tree, providing a perfect view of the sunset over the Pacific. He takes my hand as the waiter brings us a bottle of wine. I love the feel of my hand in his, and the way he idly plays with my fingers while he discusses the dinner options with the waiter.

We order, and as the sun begins its magnificent descent into the ocean, he asks me about my past relationships.

“I didn’t have the time, or the emotional availability, to date in high school, or even the first few years of college. I was dealing with my parents, and then their deaths,” I explain. “I went out with a few guys in college, but no one really special except for Bryce. Although he turned out to be not that special.” I frown.

“And how was sex with Bryce?” he asks. He’s moved his chair closer to mine, and he places his hand on my bare thigh, his thumb rubbing erotic little circles over my sensitive flesh.

I shrug. “It was okay.”

His lips twitch. “If it was just okay, he wasn’t doing it right. Did you ever do anything kinky?”

I laugh. “No! Bryce was about as far from kinky as you can be. He preferred missionary, and always with the lights off. Probably because that way, he didn’t have to see my body.”

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