Page 111 of Gods & Angels

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Florence’s hand shot out and slapped him. Then it flew to her mouth in surprise. Then she frowned and doubled down.

“Fuck you,” Florence chastised him. “This is your goddess and you will bow down to her!”

“Oi, oi, missus,” Marco said as he saw us. “Trouble with your ticket?”

“These little Shitlings you arseholes like to boss around thought Harlow was a Magdalen,” Florence told him.

Marco’s gaze narrowed on them.

“It was him,” the second told Marco. “I knew who she was.”

Marco gave a pale imitation of the growl Valen was so well known for, and slapped the first kid upside the head so hard he took an involuntary knee. “You will respect Miss Vanguard. You will do as Miss Vanguard says. Do ye hear me?”

They both nodded.

Marco smiled at me. “Right, then. Now that’s settled. Thank ye for walking Miss Vanguard, Florence. But I can take it from here.”

Florence took a step towards him, but I held a hand out to stop her.

“Florence is my guest, Marco. Consider her my plus one.”

Marco opened his mouth to argue, but I continued.

“Or will you disobey Miss Vanguard?” I sassed.

The corner of his lips tipped up and I guess I could see what Florence saw in him. Like the good little dramatic Angel he was, he took a very voluntary knee in front of me.

“Your wish is my command, missus,” he said as he lay his fist over his heart.

I gave him a little pat on the head and a wink as I stepped passed him. He returned the wink.

“Cheeky,” I warned him.

“Right back at ye, missus,” he said, but I heard the note of respect in his voice.

“Remind me why he calls you ‘missus’ again?” Florence said.

“Because I’m going to be Apollo’s missus eventually,” I said absently as I looked around. “He figures he may as well get a head start.”

“And what happens with them when we graduate?”

“What do you mean?”

“Who are you looking for?” she countered, then continued. “I mean with the other Angels. I get Valen has some kind of bond with Apollo, but what about the others? Do they get to put ‘Saint Benedicts’ God’s Angel’ on their resume or something?”

I shrugged. “They come along for the ride as well.”


I nodded. “I think so. Dad’s security and closest people were his Angels, so,” I shrugged again, “I guess they’ll go wherever we end up living.”

“You came!” I heard Apollo say and turned just in time for him to throw his arms around me and kiss me hard.

“Hi,” I laughed as he pulled away.

“Hi,” he said, then turned his smile to Florence. “Flo. Who do I have to beat to keep out the plebs, these days, huh?”

I knew Apollo beat up the Saintlings with very little cause, but his grin was clearly infectious. I could see Florence trying not to smirk in return.
