Page 112 of Gods & Angels

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“Don’t worry,” she answered, “I did it for you.”

I nodded to him. “She did. She smacked one of your Saintlings.”

“They thought Harlow was a Magdalen!” Florence said in defence.

Apollo looked at her. “I’ll allow it. Maybe God needs five Angels?”

Florence scoffed. “First female Angel?”

For a moment, I thought she was considering it. I could just imagine Florence Walton kicking arse and taking names. She’d definitely give Valen and Marco a run for their money. She’d never best them in a physical fight, but she could destroy them mentally and verbally.

After a heartbeat, she rolled her eyes and continued, “Yeah, no. I’ll pass on that one.”

Apollo shrugged. “Suit yourself. Job’s yours if you want it.”

Something made me look to the door while they continued arguing about Florence’s potential first female angel status.

Valen stalked into the room and my whole body tingled. He had a bruise blossoming on his cheekbone that hadn’t been there when I’d left his room the night before. My hand twitched by my side like it wanted to run my fingers over his face, hold it gently, and seriously consider his words from the previous night.

His grey eyes scanned the room, barely even pausing as they passed over me. Like I wasn’t even there. He exuded indifference as he flicked his hair out of his face and sucked on his vape pen. He looked bored. He looked like he had better things – or maybe people – to do.

I wondered why he’d even bothered turning up. Then he headed straight for one of the Magdalens and it all made sense. I wanted to say he wasn’t ensuring I saw him making moves on her, but I couldn’t stop thinking he wanted me to think I meant nothing to him.

Even his indifference, especially his indifference, got to me. It made my blood zing, my whole body flush, warmth pool between my legs, and my heart skip in my chest. He was utter deliciousness is a tall, dark and dangerous package.

Did I want to fuck him out of my system?

Well, I’d just recently realised that I didn’t want it to end. I didn’t want to give him up. He was addictive. He was fire and passion and being in the moment. He made me feel alive. He made me forget the bars on my cage. I didn’t feel like a bystander in my own life anymore. I wasn’t waiting for life to start. I was living.

But...should I fuck him out of my system?


As I’d told Florence, I didn’t want to admit to him that between us was enough of something that I needed to take drastic measures to overcome it. And that’s exactly how fucking him out of my system would feel; drastic measures.

Then there was whatever was blossoming between me and Apollo. At some point I’d owe it to him to give Valen up. Like I expected – rather, would demand – there was a point where he’d owe it to me to give up his Magdalens. But I had no idea when that would be. I had no way to know what his cut off was. When we finally had sex? When we got engaged? Married?

Without knowing, there was no reason to give Valen up for Apollo. Not yet.

But maybe I had to give Valen up for me.

Maybe it was time to cut the cord. I was already in dangerously deep. The fact I desperately wanted him to look at me while he was whispering something no doubt deliciously dirty in Mina’s ear was enough to tell me I was in too deep. I was very close to letting emotions get the better of me. Emotions that weren’t just hate and annoyance. Emotions like jealousy.

And if I was even considering feeling jealous, then I needed to get out.

I needed to fuck him out of my system. Because God knew – or, hopefully didn’t – I wasn’t getting over him cold turkey.

An embarrassingly high pitched squeal left me as arms went around me and Apollo nuzzled my neck. By the time my eyes found Valen again, he was glaring at me. His hand was on the wall next to Mina’s head, his face was right next hers, but his eyes were burning blazing contempt in my direction. Mina whispered something in his ear and the corner of his lip turned up. It wasn’t so much a challenge as a promise.

A promise I fully wanted to know more about, but Apollo started kissing my neck and Valen was temporarily forgotten.

“I didn’t think you were coming tonight,” Apollo whispered in my ear.

Goose bumps chased across my skin and I felt my nipples pull taught. I span in his arms and he wrapped them closer around me.

“I wasn’t going to,” I replied.

His nose trailed across my neck, my jaw, my cheek. “What made you change your mind?”
