Page 117 of Gods & Angels

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“Valen undoubtedly has an army of discarded female siblings, but the Kincaids have no use for them. At least their mothers seem to appreciate them.”

“The Kincaids don’t think much of women?” I mean, I’d guessed. It had been implied. But a confirmation never hurt anyone.

“They do not,” Florence laughed. “I heard Cillian’s mother only survived because she killed his dad and took his place as head of the Family until Cillian came of age.”

“How do you know these things?” I asked her.

She shrugged. “Dad entertained a contract with the Volkovs for a bit, but he went with the O’Malleys instead.”

There was a lot to unpack in that sentence. Namely, who were the Volkovs?

But, “You’ve been fucking the help,” is what I led with.

She laughed. “Marco hasn’t really been involved with the family biz yet. Is that because he’s promised to Apollo?”

I thought about it. “I don’t know. Sure doesn’t stop Cillian expecting Valen to jump at his every command.”

“You almost sound like you care,” she teased.

I nudged her. “I do care,” I admitted, as scary as that was. “That’s why I have to fuck him out of my system.”

“Before you care too much?”

“Before it’s too late to stop caring.” I ignored the small voice in the back of my head that asked,But is it already too late?

“Ouch. Yeah, okay,” she agreed. “And were you serious about tomorrow night, or…?”

I shrugged. “It’s as good a time as any. Is there anything on that I can, like, hide behind?”

“Hide behind?”

“Like hang outs that’ll keep Apollo busy, but not Valen.”

Florence breathed out heavily as she thought. “Uh… Not that I know of. But you’d know more about Saint plans than me.”

I nodded as I grabbed blindly by my head for my phone. I finally found it and texted Exie and Triss to ask them if they knew about Saint plans for the next night. While I waited to hear back from them, Florence and I kept staring at the ceiling.

“I suppose I could be persuaded to keep an eye on Apollo tomorrow night, if need be,” she sighed dramatically.

I laughed. “I appreciate the lengths you’ll go for our friendship, Floss, but I wouldn’t make you do that.”

She chuckled in relief. “Thank fuck. I mean, if you asked, I’d do it in a heartbeat. But I won’t be offering again any time soon.”

I gave her a grin. “No. I get it. All good.”

“Do you have a plan?” she asked.

“Not really. The best I can come up with is to wear some sexy lingerie under my coat and hope he’s in his room.”

“I mean, it’s as good a plan as any.”

“You think?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

She grinned. “I tried it on Marco.”
