Page 13 of Gods & Angels

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She grinned at me ruefully, knowing full well that I knew full well what she meant. “Fucking him.”

I snorted and shoved against her shoulder playfully.

“I’m serious,” she said. “Would you do it?”

I lay my head against the bed and looked at the ceiling. “I don’t know,” I told her honestly. “That would depend.”

“On what?” she asked.

I sighed and looked at her again.

She’d always been so non-judgmental about my relationship with Apollo. She’d never pressed or pried about the intricacies of who we were to each other. Like the rest of the school, she knew that I was his girlfriend, that our parents were just waiting until we were old enough to start planning the wedding that neither of us really seemed to want, and that he fucked any Magdalen that would open her legs for him – which was all of them. What she knew, that the rest of the school didn’t, was that he wasn’t touching me any time soon, she just didn’t know why.

Apollo and I were the only two who knew the full details about our relationship. Surely, after so many years of her standing by me unquestioningly, it was time I repaid her with some truths.

“Oh, this gonna be good, isn’t it?” she said with a wide grin.

I laughed. “Yeah. It’s going to be good.”

She flipped herself awkwardly off the bed and came to sit beside me on the floor. She took my hand, wriggled to get settled then said, “Okay. Ready. Spill all.”

I snorted. “I’m Apollo’s…” I paused, not quite knowing how to phrase it.

“Girlfriend,” she guessed. “Fiancée. Future baby mama. Cuckold.”

I smiled at the last one. “All true, but I was going to say princess.”

She rolled her eyes and looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “Yeh ha?”

“Princess. It’s the best way we’ve been able to describe it.”

“Ivory tower. Locked away. Yadda yadda. Okay. Keep going,” she said with a sceptical nod.

“I’m the one he’s…protecting.”

“Excuse me?”

We’d never directly addressed it, but I’d always assumed she thought Apollo just wasn’t attracted to me. After us seemingly being together longer than she’d known me and clearly not saving himself for anything, I didn’t blame her.

I fought another smile. “I know how it sounds.”

“Yeah, you do. And yet you’re fine with it?”

“I wouldn’t say fine, per se.”

“Hmph. Keep talking and we’ll see how fine anyone is at the end of it.”

“It’s all fake,” I told her, feeling a weight off my shoulders. “It’s just for show.”

“What!” she cried. “I’d never have guessed!” She grinned at me ruefully.

“You can’t tell anyone,” I told her, but I didn’t think she would.

She crossed her heart. “I won’t. Despite the juiciness. Fake. This whole time?” she clarified, and I nodded. “Huh. I mean, the thought had crossed my mind, but I actually didn’t guess. I can’t say I’m surprised, though.”

I smiled at her. “You just thought I was a soft pushover?”

She shrugged with a sad finality. “Every woman in our lives is. What else was I to think?”
