Page 44 of Gods & Angels

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“You move,” I countered.

“Don’t test me,” he said, dragging it out like there was more he wanted to say.

“Harlow,” I said.

His eyes narrowed. “What?”

“In case you forgot,” I added.

His eyebrow quirked and he licked his bottom lip slowly. “Excuse me?”

“In case you forgot,” I repeated. “Because I certainly didn’t.” I paused. “Forget my own name, I mean.”

Understanding flashed in his eyes and his upper lip twitched like he was repressing some choice words. His eyes slid over to Florence as though he was considering what was safe to say in front of her.

“Next time,” he said to me, and I felt his words caress me like a shiver of expectation with unbreakable promise.

I steeled my gaze and kicked my chin towards him. “Move.”

He took a step towards me. He honestly couldn’t be closer to me and it still be decent for the school corridor.

“Next. Time,” he said again, enunciating carefully.

He said it like it was some new personal mission of his. Like it was a personal affront that I remembered my own name. Like he’d die fulfilling his promise if that’s what it took.

I stared him down. Finally, he emitted a low, rumbling growl before he finally went around me.

Once he was gone, I released a breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding and suddenly noticed that the corridor was relatively quiet. People had seen, though I doubted they knewwhatthey’d seen. I ducked my head and hurried towards my class. Florence sped to keep up with me.

“Um, what was that?” she asked.

I shrugged. “What was what?”

“Er, just the blazing, flaming sexual tension I could legitimately grab and motorboat it was so visceral.”

I threw her a look, knew by the expression on her face that she wasn’t going to give it up, rolled my eyes and dragged her into an empty bathroom. I double checked all the stalls were empty.

“Holy shit,” she laughed. “You didn’t?”

“How did you know what I was going...?” I shook my head.

Of course, she knew. She was my best friend.

I held up a hand to stop her talking. It didn’t stop her.

“Holyfuckingshit,” she chuckled. “That’s why you were spotting!”

I blinked at her. “What?”

“This morning,” she said. “That’s why you were spotting.”

Comprehension dawned.

She’d come running into the bathroom that morning when I’d yelled in surprise at the blood on the toilet paper, then gone right back to stressing about being late. In the two years since I’d started my three-monthly contraceptive injection, I hadn’t had a single period, let alone spotted, so it had been quite the shock. Now, it all made sense. I doubted a real life penis was the same as moulded silicon if you went ahead and rammed it on up there.

“It all makes sense,” Florence chuckled, then bumped me with her shoulder. “Although, I’m a bit miffed you didn’t tell me earlier.”

I laughed. “There wasn’t a lot of time.”
