Page 45 of Gods & Angels

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She nodded. “True. Just so long as youweregoing to tell me.”

“Of course, I was going to tell you. You’re my best friend.”

“Next time, I expect instant news. Preferably during. Even better, before.”

I had to laugh at the way her mind worked, but that was as far as my humour ran.

“It was one time. It’s not happening again.”

“Uh huh,” Florence said. “And are you telling me or you that?”

“Everyone,” I said in exasperation. “Whoever wants to know.”

Florence looked around quickly, all humour forgotten. “You’re not actually thinking about letting other people know about this?” she asked.

I huffed as we made our way out of the bathroom and back into the hallway. “No. Of course not. No one can find out.”

She nodded. “No. Good. Just checking. I didn’t think you’d actually lost your mind.”

“Harlow!” I heard Apollo say as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His nose nuzzled my neck and he hugged me tight. “How are we?”

I felt my eyes widen in silent plea to Florence, but she pressed her lips together and shook her head.

“Uh, good. You?” I said, turning in his arms and plastering on a smile.

He nodded. “Good. Great. Holidays tomorrow.”

I laughed and hoped it only felt awkward to me. “That it is.”

“Home tonight. Looking forward to it?”

Home. Not quite, but close enough really.

“Uh huh.” I nodded. “Should be good.”

“Like always.”

“Like always.”

Apollo’s hand slid into mine and we started walking. “Where are you two off to now?”

“Religion,” Florence answered, sounding a bit miffed with him. “And hello to you, too.”

Apollo squeezed my hand. “Oh, Flo, we don’t say ‘hello’. That’s like our thing.”

Florence looked at him shrewdly. “You’re in a good mood.”

“Shouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know. Valk lace your morning coffee with something a little stronger than usual?”

Apollo turned like he’d seen Valen before finding us. “If he did, he should have kept some for himself. He’s extra pissy today.”

“Yeah, no shit,” Florence huffed a laugh.

“You saw him?”

“Of course, we did. No one misses Valen Kincaid.”
