Page 57 of Gods & Angels

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Then, I took one look at the cut at his brow and the one on his lip, and something in me melted. Melted for this boy who’d been forced to become a man so fast. I remembered the first time I’d caught wind of the possibility that Valen had killed someone. I’d been fourteen and not believed a word of it until I’d seen him in this very rumpus room, bruised and bloodied near beyond recognition. He’d looked like he’d had to fight for his very life and Apollo had spent a week nursing him. These days, I doubted anyone but his own family could come close to putting Valen Kincaid in serious danger.

I noticed his eye twitch and he sucked in a sharp breath, and I realised that I’d put my fingers to the split in his lip.


“Would you run if you could now, princess?” he asked.

“Did you really kill someone?” I whispered.

“You’ll have to be more specific.”

“Tonight. Did you kill someone tonight?”

He looked at me like he was debating how to answer. Would he be glib? Would be lie? Would he be brutally honest, thinking it would scare me off?

“Would that stop you wanting me?” he asked.

I licked my lip as I thought how to answer. “Do you want me to stop?”

He leant his forehead to mine, and gently nuzzled his face over mine. “I should. I should want you to stop, but I don’t. I can’t.”

“Why?” I asked, so quietly because I was afraid of the answer.

“Because I want you, Harlow. I need you. I had a gun against at my head tonight, and all I thought about was you. Burying myself in you one last time before I died. I couldn’t die without you knowing what you do to me.”

“What do I do to you?”

He groaned. Desperation. Want. Need. Frustration. In answer, he took my hand and lay it over his cock. His very hard, ready cock. I inhaled and looked deep into his eyes.

I knew he saw the desire in me as clearly as I saw it in him.

“You want me to fuck you, princess? You say the word and I won’t hold back. Understood?”

I nodded. “Understood, Valen.”

He groaned again, but it was appreciative this time. His head moved like he was about to kiss me, but then he thought better of it.

“Not here,” he muttered like he was telling himself.

He took my hand and pulled me to the closest room, which happened to be his. He threw open the door and picked me up as he turned to close it again. My legs went around his waist and he smiled, only for it to turn to a grimace.

“Good girl,” he said.

“You okay?” I asked.

He nodded.

“Is this an appearances thing?” I asked.

He gave me a look like I should really know the answer to that.

I took his face in my hands and he paused in locking his door. His eyes met mine and I saw the storm soften slightly.

“I don’t need protecting,” I told him.

“I’m not–”

“And I don’t give a fuck what you get up to for your Family.”
