Page 78 of Gods & Angels

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Was there a part of me that thought we’d look back on this escapade as the idiocy of our teenage years? Fucking-A. But we were doing it anyway.

We hadn’t made too many changes to my uniform, how could we have? But we’d done what we could.

We’d rolled the waist of my skirt over a few times so it was shorter. The back of my shirt was scrunched in what few random hair ties we could find – hiding under my cardigan – so the front clung tightly to my curves. Florence and I had raided both our collections of bras for ALL the padded cups and push up bladders to give my chest some extra va-va-voom. I felt like, if I bent over, my boobs would strangle me and my buttons were straining, but damn I looked good. Pin-up model good. It wasn’t a look I wanted to sport every day, but it was bound to get Valen’s attention. I’d exchanged my usual tights for stockings and wore a matching black garter to keep them up; Florence was convinced that boys went mad over the sight of a garter.

The girls didn’t seem to notice. Why would they? The aim here was to be subtle enough that the Sisters couldn’t tell us off. Not even all the guys noticed. Marco noticed though. He was the first one.

As he saw us from across the quad, I saw his eyebrow raise ever so slightly. There was no reproach on his face. It was interest. Not interestinme, rather in what I was up to. I saw him nudge Valen gently. Valen didn’t pause in his conversation with Apollo, but his eyes found me and he frowned heavily. He frowned, but I saw his tongue dart out to lick his lip. I hoped it was because he liked what he saw.

If Apollo noticed anything, he didn’t mention it. As we all fell in step together, he took my hand. I expected him to keep talking to Valen, but he turned his attention to me.

“Good morning, darling,” he said, kissing my cheek.

“Good morning, Apollo,” I said.

He stifled a yawn. “How’d you sleep?”

I looked at Florence. “Uh, yeah, fine. You?” I asked because it seemed the polite thing to do.

He nodded. “Good. Yeah. Good. Listen, you girls are heading to the festival tomorrow night, yeah?”

“Of course.”

“So, we’ll see you there?”

I shrugged, playing coy. “You might. You might not.” My eyes slid to Valen and I noticed he was watching me carefully.

I didn’t want to use Apollo just to make Valen jealous, but it was tempting. I’d told Florence that, if it ever came to it, I would totally juggle them both. And I still thought that. But, there was flirting with Apollo to make Valen jealous, and there was flirting with Apollo because I wanted to and just happening to make Valen jealous. There were obviously some moral lines I’d cross, but intentionally using one guy just to rile up another wasn’t one of them.

“I know we said it was friends’ night this year,” Apollo said. “But can I at least haveonedance?”

I pretended to think about it as we walked into the chapel. Finally I nodded. “Okay. You can haveonedance.”

He grinned as he helped me into my spot on our pew. “Okay, then.”

After Florence had elbowed me three times as my head dipped, mass was finally over. I kissed Apollo’s cheek, and headed out to class with Florence. As I stood up, I somehow managed to flick my skirt up enough to reveal my garter, but not enough that my pants were on show for the whole school to see.

I snuck a look at Valen and knew, by the expression of fiery annoyance, that he’d seen.

When I paused to say goodbye to Florence outside my classroom, I felt hands at my waist, then a nose at my ear and Apollo’s voice saying, “Have you changed something?”

Because of course he’d get there eventually. Maybe the garter had sent him over the edge? Based on the tone of his voice, I was rethinking this whole trying to seduce Valen. I’d forgotten that the last time I’d tried to do that, Apollo had definitely noticed.

For some reason, my heart skipped in my exaggerated chest, and I shook my head. “No. No, I don’t think so.”

One hand slid around to my stomach, pulling me closer to his body. Butterflies beat an unsteady rhythm on my ribcage and I suddenly felt hotter.

“Are you sure?” he asked. His voice was low, but I told my body to get a hold of itself.

Florence just smirked at me and slid off to class. I gave her the stink eye, promising to get her back later for abandoning me. Then, I turned to Apollo and gave him my biggest smile.

“I’m sure. Why?”

He shook his head and nuzzled my nose with his. “I don’t know. You just look…”

I laughed. “Florence warned you about how you finish those sentences.”

He got a cocky tilt to his lips and his eyes shone with cheeky mischief. It was…hot.
