Page 87 of Gods & Angels

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“Cheers,” Apollo said as he ducked into the bathroom.

When he was level with me, Valen paused and said quietly, “That’s better.”

“You think this is for you?” I asked him, raising my eyebrow.

“I think the good little princess knows what’s good for her.”

I huffed a laugh. “We both know I’m not a good little princess, Valen. I’m a fucking goddess, and you will worship me.”

He looked me up and down. “Stick to what know, princess.” He paused for a beat. “It suits you better.”

“Does the big, bad wolf like the pretty little princess, Valk?” I teased.

The way his eyes flared burning heat told me yes. His words, however, weren’t so forthcoming. “Do not push me, princess,” he warned.

“Or, what?”

“Or, you won’t like what I do to you,” he growled, then was gone.

I just had enough time to get my breathing under control before Apollo was back and we were heading to the Estate to meet our parents.

In the car, Apollo and I were in the backseat. He had his arm around my shoulders and the other one ran up my leg. He looked into my eyes and his were feverish bright. He wore an utterly ecstatic grin. He dropped a kiss to my jaw, then play-nipped at my neck. I giggled at the tickle, and he pulled away.

Something was definitely different, but where it would go was another matter.

Valen took the curves like he was trying to beat some personal best down the mountain.

“Have you started drift racing?” Apollo chuckled to him.

“Like you fucking know what that is,” Valen said roughly, but I heard the slight note of teasing humour in his voice.

Whether Valen was drift racing or not remained to be seen, but we arrived at the Callahan Estate in one piece each.

“I’ll be in my room,” Valen said as Apollo took my hand and dragged me out of the car.

We ran up the steps, laughing about how late we were and wondering whose dad would be angrier.

“Apollo. Harlow,” Archer said as we bundled into the Parlour, both of us breathing heavily.

“Sorry, we’re late,” Apollo said with a smile for everyone. “We lost track of time.”

Apollo and I split to say hello to our mums, who were tittering happily to each other about the young lovers losing track of the time. For once, the majority of their assumptions about the situation were true. It was a weirdly pleasing feeling.

“How’s school?” my dad asked me as he hugged me.

I nodded. “Good. Fine.”

He nodded as well. “Lovely.”

As soon as the pleasantries were over, Apollo was back at my side. His hand was low on my back, but he was casual as you please.

As a family – as it were – we had a few drinks until the rest of the guests arrived. One could never have just a few people over. It was always about connections and business. Archer and Dad would use the time to show their guests their combined strength, then discuss their own business after the rest of us had retired or left.

Apollo not once left my side. Not even for a drink. He took me with him everywhere he went, every person he spoke to. It was lucky I hadn’t needed to use the bathroom or we might have had a problem.

His nose nudged my ear. “Need another drink?” he asked.

I turned my face to his and our noses bumped. “I think I’ve had enough for a bit.”
