Page 88 of Gods & Angels

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He had one hand around my waist. My hand was on his lapel. Our faces were very close together...

“Apollo, this must be the lovely Harlow?” a voice interrupted.

And so the schmoozing began again.

After the fourth interruption, Apollo’s arm around my waist tightened and he leant his nose to my ear.

“Come,” he whispered softly.

His hand trailed along my back before he slid it into mine and tugged gently.

Confused and intrigued, I didn’t hesitate to follow him.

He weaved us through the party, expertly avoiding giving anything more than a few words to those he passed. He had a smile and a nod for everyone, as always. But the more people who tried to stop him, the firmer his hold on my hand became.

Once free of the room, he pulled me towards the stairs. I thought we’d go up them, but he sidestepped at the last minute, then he ducked into the door leading to the storeroom under them. It was nothing but shelves on three sides, holding linen for the dining room and downstairs bathrooms.

“What are we–?”

But my words were cut off as he closed the door and pushed me against it. One hand was on my hip, the other splayed by my head. His body was hard up against mine. In every sense of the word. I could feel him erect as he leant into me. His nose was in my neck, sending goose bumps skittering across my skin, a shiver running down my spine, and an irregular heat pooling between my thighs.

“Apollo?” I breathed, unsure what was happening. With him or me.

“Shh,” he whispered.

He slid his hand purposefully up my body until it was loosely cupping my breast. His erection dug into me in a way that pleasantly shocked me, his hips pulsing gently against me in a way that made me want to rock right back.

“I thought we’d never get out of there,” he said, more a purr than actual words.

I tingled at his proximity. I’d never done that before.

He kneaded my breast, his nose still trailing goose bumps over my skin. My body arched towards him instinctively. I couldn’t have stopped it. I didn’t want to anyway.

One hand kept kneading me as the other moved down to coax my leg around his hip. My knee hugged him tightly and a small gasp escaped me as I felt his dick rub against my clit. I felt him smile against my cheek.

“There’s something different about you, Harlow,” he said softly as we rocked together and his grip tightened on my breast. “I’ve noticed you.”

Sudden panic welled at what exactly he’d noticed. If he had any suspicion about me and Valen, then… Well, what was this?

“My cock’s noticed you,” he continued, obviously not needing me to reply.

His hand left my breast, running smoothly down my stomach and between my legs. My nerves came alive at his touch, but he denied me what I really wanted as he peppered my neck with kisses. His fingers ran over me. Up and down. Up and down. But they stayed either side of my slit, never quite reaching where I was desperate for him to be.

I felt my hips buck towards him and he chuckled, the air blowing against my skin sending all new shivers over me.

“Do you want it?” he asked as I wriggled against his denial.

I bit my lip.

What the hell was wrong me?

First, I give in and fuck a guy I hated more than I knew it was possible to hate. Now, here I was with a different guy I hated in such a very different way.

“Tell me you want it, Harlow,” he begged.

Oh. My. God.

Whether I was weak, a sleeper nymphomaniac, or maybe just ridiculously lucky to have two devastatingly gorgeous men wanting to throw me against the nearest surface, I didn’t really care at that point.

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