Page 95 of Gods & Angels

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We’ll catch up.

“Ugh,” I sighed. “I think Apollo’s going to join us.”

Florence snorted. “So, he’s fully whipped now?”


“He wants to get you offandfollow you around school?”

Now I snorted. “No.”

“There she is!” I heard Apollo call behind us and we turned around.

Apollo was fair running towards me. Not quite, but enough that it was clear he was keen to get to me. Valen, Marco, Fender and Gage were all walking at a more stately pace behind him, like parents watching their offspring running amok at the park.

“Long time, no see,” I said to him and he grinned at me.

Apollo’s hands went to my waist, he picked me up and spun me around. “Hi.”

The smile was deep in his eyes. I didn’t think I’d seen him genuinely that happy in a very long time.

As my feet touched the ground again, he stepped closer to me and kissed me. Full on kissed. Right on the lips. In front of anyone who might be walking by. My heart stopped in my chest.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to kiss me, I just…also didn’t want him to kiss me. I did and I didn’t. How did that make sense?

He pulled away from me and ran his hand over my cheek. “How are you?”

“I’m fine. How are you?” I asked.

I liked this side of him, but it was very sudden.

I couldn’t stop my eyes sliding to Valen over Apollo’s shoulder. His face was a stern mask of detached indifference. Even his eyes were hard. No sign of any emotion in him at all. He might have been a robot or a statue for all the humanity I saw in him. He just casually puffed away on his vape pen, ignoring the elbow Marco stuck in his ribs. On the second elbow, he grabbed the front of Marco’s shirt and pulled him around to face each other.

“You try that one more time, and I will end you,” Valen growled.

Marco smirked at Valen as he held his hands up. “My bad. Twitch, you know.”

“Take it somewhere else,” Valen ordered.

“It’s all right,” Apollo told them both. “Valk’s just itching for his fight.”

“His fight?” I asked.

Apollo nodded. “Another idiot is challenging his supremacy.”

“To be fair, he didn’t challenge Valk,” Marco said.

“No,” Apollo agreed. “But Valk took the challenge.”

Valen stretched his neck. “I’m going.”

Apollo squeezed my arm. “We all better get going.”

“Don’t want to miss a blood bath,” I said, acting chipper.

“You want to come?”
