Page 46 of Seducing Sallina

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Waving her off with a hand tipped with blood-red claws, she replied, “Of course. The whore from the hotel bar. Did your master tell you that he fucked me good that night? That he begged me for a second chance?”

The blood drained from Sally’s face, leaving behind a chill so icy, she shivered. What she said wasn’t true—he’d told her he’d left ten minutes after she had. That wasn’t enough time to have sex with her.

Unless he lied. Men lie. Dad lied. Mom suffered.

Loni chuckled, evil clinging to the sound. “I can see that you finally realize the truth. Don’t feel bad, though, chica. Sly is really good at seducing girls like you, girls desperate for attention and pretty lies—but it’s a woman like me who keeps him.”

“Get the fuck out!” Sally demanded, raising a shaking hand to point toward the door.

Loni snarled, crossing her arms over a chest she, no doubt, purchased from a surgeon.

“I hope dinner is good because if you’re cooking skills are as bad as your manners, you’ll be the first person I fire once Sly and I remarry, and we settle down. Speaking of, chica, why don’t you get my travel bags from the car. Put them in your master’s room.”

“I don’t fucking think so,” Sally spat, her blistering outrage making her physically shake. She took a step toward the woman, her hands aching to slap the shit out of her.

Taking a step back, Yolanda gasped, her face turning crimson as she sputtered, “What did you just say to me, you filthy little—”

“What the fuck is going on in here?” Sly’s voice boomed through the room, cutting off whatever disgusting racial slur Yolanda was about to say.

Biting back every nasty thing she wanted to say, Sally pinned Sly with her gaze, rage pouring into every molecule of her body. What the hell was going on? What was Yolanda doing in Jackson Key? In Sly’s house? And why the hell did she think she and Sly were getting back together? Had he really taken his ex-wife to bed the night at the bar, after he’d already fucked her in the bar bathroom?

His ex-wife got a bed, but she got a public toilet? She wanted to vomit.

Her entire demeanor transformed before Sally’s eyes, the she-bitch from a moment before disappearing. Standing there now was a woman with a pouting, trembling mouth, weepy eyes, drooping shoulders, and the general carriage of a wrong woman.

It was black magic performed by a master manipulator. Fuck! Surely Sly would see through that shit.

Yeah, like she saw through it that night at the bar when he brushed you off after fucking you in the bathroom.

“Your maid nearly attacked me, Sly. I only asked what was for dinner. I want her fired. I want her deported, along with every member of her family. How dare she speak to me like that? Do something, Sly.” Again, crossing her arms over her fake tits, the woman had the fucking gall to smirk at Sally in victory when Sly turned away from her, Loni’s blue eyes flashing arrogance and condescension.

Her heart pounding in her chest, Sally blinked at Sly, anger like she’d never felt before swirling in her guts, rising into her throat to coat her tongue in sour bile.

He knows me. He knows I would never do what that woman is saying. He better step in before I tear this goddamn house down around his fucking head.

After long moments where Sally desperately wanted Sly to speak up for her, where she hoped Yolanda had been lying, that Sly hadn’t used her—again—and had been lying to her for weeks, Sly sighed heavily.

“Sally, I’m sorry about tonight,” Sylvester intoned, his voice flat, his expression blank, his big body tense, as if waiting for her to lash out. “I’ll call you later.”

Call me…later….Dismissed. She’d been rejected like the goddamn help Yolanda said she was. He was actually treating her like she was nothing to him, like she was just a piece of ass he fucked after she washed his windows.

Struck dumb, Sally couldn’t believe what just happened; he’d picked his ex-wife over her. Again. First at the bar, then now. Never in her life had she felt so humiliated, so brutalized—not even when her father had beat her until bloody with an extension cord.

What the hell did she have to do to finally be someone’s first choice, the one they held above all others? After all she’d endured, all she’d refused to sacrifice, she’d become just like her mother, falling in love with a man who would never love her back. A man who would hurt her, over and over, until she had no tears left to cry. Until the pain was so great, the only thing that could numb it was death.

It had killed her mother, driving her to drink until she finally gave up…. Was that Sally’s future? Hanging on to someone who’d always put himself and his desires before her?

Another liar. Another cheater. Another man who gives no fucks about the woman he made promises to.

Something pierced her insides, the pain shattering her pathetic, self-destructive thoughts.

Fuck that. She had some pride, and the bastard wasn’t worth the cost of bail.

She sneered, pointedly gazing between Sly and Yolanda, trying with all her might to keep the betrayal splintering her heart into a billion pieces from showing on her face.

Don’t let him see that he broke you….Another piece of her heart fell into the pit of her belly. After all she’d endured with her father, after all the time and effort she’d put into healing and overcoming all that she’d survived…she’d never thought she’d have to use those words again.

Don’t let him see that he broke you.
