Page 13 of Adoring Alejandro

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Sally slapped Maeve’s hand, making her yelp. Maeve had been tugging on the hem of the shockingly red bandage wrap dress Sally had demanded Maeve buy and wear for their evening at the club.

When Maeve had blabbered about the dress being too expensive to wear only once, both Sally and Anna took turns trying to convince Maeve that the dress was an investment in her future.

A future of public shaming and humiliation, maybe.

Finally, Sally had commented about how Maeve would never land her “mystery” crush if she kept hiding behind brown bags.

The dress hugged every lump and crevice, like a sheet of plastic wrap. The bottom of the dress hit just beneath her ass, and the top of the dress covered her nipples and not much else. Thankfully, the dress had wide enough straps to hide the balconette bra she had to wear to keep her boobs off the dance floor. With a 48D rack, Maeve was used to hiding her tatas behind bulky, flouncy blouses. The bandage dress hid nuh-thing. She felt like everyone was going to take one look at her and cover their eyes in horror.

When Sally was done fussing with Maeve’s hair and makeup, there’d been a minute there when Maeve had actually felt sexy. The reflection that peered back at her was one that both shocked and excited her. Her body was big but the dress didn’t look half bad, and the hair and makeup made her look like a model on a magazine cover.

The heels Sally gave her—glittering gold with bright red bottoms—made her legs look long and toned. Being only five-foot-six, the heels performed a miracle.

A miracle she hoped proved truly miraculous.

Anna and Sally were adamant that Maeve would catch some eyes that night, and Maeve wanted to believe them, especially since she wanted to make getting all dressed up worth the hassle. But…Maeve really wanted a specific someone to notice her. Too bad he wasn’t going to be at the club that night.

Maeve tugged on the hem again, nervously wishing the fabric at least met the middle of her thigh. When she stood up, her ass would practically be hanging out, which only made Sally all the more determined to get Maeve into a pair of thong panties.

Earlier that evening, when she was dressing, she’d thought, ‘what the hell, might as well go all out if I’m going to die of embarrassment.’ Now, though, as they were pulling up to the club, she was rethinking all of her adult life choices.

“Stop! If you keep pulling on it, you’ll rip it, and I won’t let you go home and change. You’ll have to spend the night flashing your panties at everyone,” Sally pronounced from the far passenger door of the hired car Sly had ordered for them for the evening.

Sally knew better than to think her boyfriend would just let her go out without supervision, but he at least let her arrive at the club without him breathing down her back about her outrageously tight and revealing wrap dress that emphasized more than it covered. She was all curves, ass, and sass, and not for the first time, Maeve wished she was as confident in her body as Sally was.

The driver opened the door on Maeve’s side and offered a hand. Sucking in a breath, she slid from the car, determined to ignore the urge to pull her dress down.

She stood on the sidewalk outside the club and stared.

The line was longer than the block, wrapping around the large building and disappearing. If she had to wait in that line and then spend the night standing and dancing, she’d lose all feeling in her toes from the pretty but pinchy heels.

Velvet was a trendy Florida nightclub. The club was housed within an old industrial factory building that had been renovated from gritty to glitzy—at least that’s what the write up in the newspaper said. From what Maeve could see, it looked just the right amount of sexy and fun.

“Come on,” Sally effused, linking her arm with Maeve’s and then Anna’s arms, and dragging them straight to the menacing looking bouncer at the door.

“Sly and Sallina,” Sally drawled haughtily, as though those two words were enough to—

“You’re in,” the large, bald man grumbled, stepping away from the door to allow them entrance.

Her mouth hanging open, Maeve didn’t even have time to blink before she was stepping from the crisp fall evening and into a wickedly sensual heat wave.

Dark with red and gold lights shining in predetermined areas, the large room was perfectly shadowed along the booths, bar, and dance floor to allow people to either laugh in the light or moan in the dark.

“Forget the drinks for now, let’s dance before the guys get here and turn into the fun police.”

That was the first Maeve heard that Sly and Blaze were coming. She should have figured that they would, though. Those two men were outstandingly possessive of their women.

And Lord, she was jealous of that.

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask if AJ was coming, too, but she stopped herself just in time. It wouldn’t do to tip Sally off that the crush of Maeve’s was the unattainable AJ Mendez, her older brother.

Tugging her behind them, Sally maneuvered through the crowd with Maeve practically tripping over her feet to remain upright. Before she knew what the hell was happening, she was surrounded by bodies, all gyrating to a Harry Styles song with an EDM twist.

Who thought “Watermelon Sugar” could be a pulsating dance song?

“Come on, lady, I know you have some moves,” Anna yelled into Maeve’s ear to be heard over the volume of the music and people.

The first strains of “For the Now” by Kovich featuring Annie Bosko began pumping through the speakers, and Maeve couldn’t stop the smile that spread over her face.
