Page 3 of Adoring Alejandro

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November 17th

My Swan, I know that by now you’re probably annoyed with all the questions about who you are on the other side of the computer screen. But you have to know that I am desperate to know anything about you. I know your favorite color, but I don’t know the color of your eyes. I know your favorite TV show, but I don’t know what your face looks like when you laugh. I know you like 80s music cranked up high, but I don’t know what it feels like to dance with you in my arms.

I need to meet you, my Swan. It’s a hunger unlike anything I have ever felt before. You have to put me out of my misery. Just one single hint. Just one detail about you that I can use to help picture your face when I’m fucking my hand at night….

Okay, enough of my desperation.

So, in your last email you asked me what my favorite treat is. Well, when I was a kid, my housekeeper/second mom, Lisana, made these delicious, melt-in-your-mouth triple chocolate chip cookies. I can’t tell you how many times I begged her to make them, and then snuck handfuls of them when she wasn’t looking. LOL.

If I were answering you, face to face, I’d tell you that the best thing I’ve ever tasted is your lips.

Wishing for more,

