Page 34 of Adoring Alejandro

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But why would she lie? And how would she know about Swan, the conference room, or their kiss if she wasn’t who she was claiming to be?

Gathering the last dregs of his sense, he forced a smile. “You’re Swan?”

She blushed, nodding coyly.

He couldn’t understand it, and didn’t have the mental capacity in that moment to try and unwind the confusion from the uncertainty.

She’s Swan.It had to be her. Right?

He’d figure out the why and how later.

Grinning and feeling like things just might be falling into place, AJ cupped her face in his hands, bent down, and kissed her.

Denise Walters.

Director of IT for White Estate Corporation.

Blonde Bombshell with the perfect figure, long legs, tight body, perky tits, big blue eyes, and a mouth like Angelina Jolie. She was gorgeous. Smart.

And a raging bitch.

Maeve had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with Denise when they both worked close to Sly before Sly and Maeve’s move to Jackson Key. Maeve had been Sly’s newly hired PA, and Denise was the sexual vulture, circling over Sly’s head when rumors of his divorce from his wife, Loni, began surfacing. Wherever Sly was, Denise was there, offering her time, attention, and—with little subtly—her body.

Thankfully, the man had better taste than that, but a scorned Denise was a Disney Villain Denise. She took out her vitriol on her whole department, not that Sly could do anything about it, since her barbs hit all the fleshy bits on the inside where people couldn’t see.

As Sly’s PA, Maeve got her fair share of Denise’s rage, but she was finally able to escape when Sly permanently moved the Jackson Key building projects’ business to Jackson Key, rather than simply monitoring them from Miami as they’d done on all other projects before. They’d packed up that portion of the business and moved it to Jackson Key, and remained there, out of Denise Walters’ reach.

Apparently, their reprieve was over.

Her office was in Miami with the other White execs, so what was she doing in Jackson Key? What was she doing in the Harris Construction office?

Why was she grinning at AJ like he was a prize she’d just scored, and why was he looking at her like she’d just dropped a nuclear bomb on his head? And he liked it?

“Blaze, hey brother,” AJ called, grabbing hold of Denise’s hand to drag her behind him as he hurried toward Blaze’s office, his smile getting bigger all the time.

Dread crept along her spine, slithering into her chest.

What was happening?

Her gaze dropped to where their hands were clasped together, their fingers woven as lovers would do. Her heart, which had stuttered to a stop at the sight of Denise trailing AJ through the office doors began to pound.

She wanted to open her mouth and ask what was going on, but she didn’t. The lump in her throat had grown two sizes, cutting off her air and her voice.

“I told you, man, I told you she was real,” AJ boasted, pulling Denise into his side to throw an arm around her shoulders. She snuggled in to him, placing a thinly fingered hand against his sculpted chest.

Maeve’s eyes failed her. That had to be what was happening, because just two days ago, AJ was hers. He was kissing her! He was touching her! He was begging to see her face and spend time with her without all the shadows and emails.

What the hell happened over the weekend that had turned everything upside down?

“Who’s this?” Blaze asked, standing up and coming around his desk to stand before the cuddling couple.

AJ’s face brightened, his gorgeous emerald eyes shining so bright Maeve could see it from where she was sitting at her desk.

She held her breath, knowing deep in her gut, that AJ’s answer would cut her wide open.

“This is her—Swan! The woman I’ve been emailing with the last four months. This is the woman I’ve been waiting for my whole life.”

What? That’s impossible! I’m right here, not over there.More importantly, she wasn’t Denise! Denise wasn’t her! What the hell was happening?
