Page 45 of Adoring Alejandro

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Was there something wrong with cherries?

You taste like cherries….

Everything within her froze in place.


Oh no.

She’d worn that Chapstick the night of the holiday party when she’d kissed him in that dark conference room. He’d even commented on it in his email.

And the weirdness about the coffee?

God. Oh shit. She’d told him about her mocha coffee obsession in her Swan emails. Was he starting to put the pieces together? Was that why he’d come by to talk to her, even though their conversation was aborted before it even really began?

She’d figured he was there to tell her that whatever was between them was over now that Denise was in the picture, but…he didn’t seem as convinced.

Does that mean I have a chance?Did that mean he wasn’t as easy to fool as Denise believed he was. Certainly, the man wasn’t idiot. He could figure things out if he felt even an inkling of suspicion. Denise must have done something to make AJ question her insistence that she was his Swan. Suddenly, her early snide thoughts about AJ being fooled by perky tits made her cringe.

Good! That means we still have a chance!

No! No, it didn’t. Denise was still the enemy, still holding Maeve hostage with her cyber terror threats. There was nothing Maeve could do but watch silently, and hope AJ dropped Denise before things got too serious—before Denise got her claws in his heart and his wallet.

Before AJ really got hurt.

And before Maeve truly lost him forever.
