Page 46 of Adoring Alejandro

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Finally, after waiting all fucking day, AJ was ready to relax with a cold beer and his friends. Rather than the usual meet and eat at Happy Jack’s, Sally and Anna wanted to mix it up by having everyone out to Tony’s. With the best pizza and most laid back atmosphere in town, Tony’s was the perfect place to just eat and chill. There was also room to spread out, since Sally mentioned that Maeve’s friend from college was coming into town that night.

Just then, a tiny dervish sped past, making Blaze and AJ jump out of the way. The speed demon slammed into Maeve, making the woman stumble back. In a flash, AJ was there, throwing his arm out behind her, catching her before she could fall on her ass. Her lush, bitable ass.

Huffing, her face turning that delicious pink, Maeve ducked her head and muttered a quick thanks before moving away, taking her lush curves and sensuous body heat with her.

His arms felt empty. They ached for her to return to them. To wrap around her. Hold her.

He couldn’t ignore the fact that he didn’t feel the same for Denise.

God, he was fucked up.

“Lexi!” Maeve called, throwing her arms out, her face lighting up. Her smile, which had always seemed to hide when he was around lately, shone like the sun filling the sky after a hurricane.

“Auntie Maeve!” the little blonde girl squealed, rushing to launch herself into Maeve’s open arms. Maeve caught her, tightening her arms around the child, burying her face in the girl’s neck, and squeezing.

“Lexi Love! It is so good to see you, baby girl!”

The girl giggled, leaning back to grin at Maeve. “Do it!”

Maeve’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “Do what?”

Little Lexi giggled and rolled her wide blue eyes. “The voice, silly! I want to hear the princess voice!”

Maeve chuckled then nodded. “You got it, Queen Lexi!” While the little girl waited, her expression expectant, Maeve did something that made AJ’s eyes snap to her.

“Oh, my dahling, I am so happy to see you again! I do so hope the palace is to your liking and that you will enjoy your time here.”

AJ blinking, her brow furrowing. What….

Something wasn’t….

Was it something she’d said that slammed against his brain like a bullet in a cast iron barrel?


“You aren’t supposed to speak….”

The voice. The one Denise had explained away as a way to continue the mystery.

Funny how whenever he brought it up, she always changed the subject or told him she didn’t perform on command or that she didn’t feel in the mood to playact.

But the woman in the room that night…her voice had been smooth. Confident. Like she was an actual Briton sliding into the shadows of a White Estate conference room.

“Yes, please kiss me….”

He breath caught, burning in his lungs as he fought to exhale.

“Princess Maeve!” Lexi chirped, laughing.

“Queen Lexi! I must say, you look absolutely beautiful today. Who did your hair?” She flipped the girl’s hair playfully, then tugged on the girl’s flouncy, floral top. “What are you wearing?”

Everything stopped.

“What are you wearing?”

It was her voice. That same accent, too. She—Swan—had asked that same question of him that night that he’d first tasted her. First heard her groans of pleasure. First heard her speak his name.

The voice from the shadowed conference room.
