Page 57 of Adoring Alejandro

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It wasn’t like she had to actually have a conversation with the man. If she really wanted to be a coward, she could just slip the envelope under his door and then text him to tell him she brought it by.

Really? That’s how low you’ve fallen? You’re actually that much of a weakling that you’re willing to ding-dong-ditch rather than knock on the door and face him like someone with a spine?

She groaned, dropping her forehead against the wheel. What if Denise is there? Tears burned her eyes, pushing for release. She allowed a few drops to escape before wiping at her cheeks furiously.

She’d put herself in the mess she was in. She could damn well deal with the consequences. Like having to face the man she loved after practically dry humping him the night before. Ugh. She was turning into such a needy slut. What could AJ think about her now? Sure, he’d been into it, too, but she could explain away that he’d been acting weird all night. The flirty text messages, the strange concern for her, then the heat of the moment when they kissed like horny teenagers about to get caught by mom and dad.

Maybe he’s second guessing his couple-dom with Denise. Maybe she’s already shown her true colors and AJ is looking for a way out.Yeah, and maybe AJ was just so attracted to her he just couldn’t help himself and had kissed her because he loved her.

Uh huh. That’s bullshit. You read that email he sent Denise this morning. He misses her.His imposter Swan. He even had a gift for her.

He’s giving her gifts that should be mine!She rolled her eyes and opened the car door, snatching the envelope with purpose.

Steeling herself, she marched right up the stairs to AJ’s door and knocked. Her hands shaking, she fisted them at her sides, careful not to wrinkle the precious envelope.

Sweat beaded on her forehead, her eyes staring at the door right in front of her. Suddenly, she wanted to be anywhere else but there. Her legs twitching to move, she hadn’t even taken a step back before the door swung open and AJ was standing there, a panty-melting smile on his ruggedly handsome face.

“Hey,” he greeted her, his voice smooth and chocolatey. “Glad you could stop by.” He stepped back, his gaze drifting from her suddenly flushed face, down her body—slowly, hungrily—before meeting her gaze once again. “Come in.”

Swaying, Maeve pressed a hand to her forehead and blinked. There was no way she saw what she thought she saw. AJ Mendez didn’t just eye fuck her in his doorway.

Shaking her head to clear away the nonsense, she followed him inside and closed the door behind her, though she remained just inside the foyer. Lifting the envelope, she expected him to take it, thank her, and wave goodbye.

He did none of those things.

He turned on his heel, ignoring the envelope, and disappeared around the corner. She knew from previous visits that he was probably in the kitchen…where the delicious smells were coming from. Her mouth watered—and not just for AJ.

Her stomach grumbled, rolling. She really shouldn’t have skipped breakfast. Or lunch. But the thought of eating when she was feeling so uneven had only made the sickness worse.

“I hope you like pasta because the only thing I can make that doesn’t taste like burning is spaghetti,” AJ called.

Stunned, Maeve blurted, “What?”

AJ’s head popped around the corner. He grinned at her and winked. “Spaghetti. I hope you’re hungry…because I am.” He ducked back around the corner before Maeve could make sense of the suggestion in his voice.

Dragging in a breath, Maeve walked into the kitchen, stopping at the peninsula to stare at his back as he moved from stove to counter and back to the stove. The tight blue t-shirt he wore did nothing to hide the delicious movement of his back muscles as he cooked. And the jeans riding low on his waist did a fabulous job of showing off a drool-worthy ass.

Unbidden, fantasy images of that ass flexing as he thrust into her, her heels digging into the flesh of his ass cheeks as he used the packed muscle to make her come.

Her cheeks heated as desire pooled in her belly, her pussy eager for her imaginings to become reality.

Jerking her face away from him, she peered at the six-seater dining room table and froze. It was set for two people, with candles lit in the center of the table, and a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket beside the table.

“What’s all this?” she asked, her voice thick with apprehension.

AJ turned, his gaze landing on her face, and his green eyes turning black as his lids grew heavy.

“Dinner. I figured we could both use a relaxing night.”

Confused and a little bubbly with excitement, she said, “Uh huh, okay. But…why the candles? The champagne? Is…is this a…date?” Oh lordy. At that thought, heat blasted through her cheeks once more. Whether it was embarrassment or arousal, she didn’t know. Probably a good dose of both.

“You looked flushed,” he drawled, his voice thick. “What’re you thinking about?”

Shaking her head, she forced a laugh. “I’m wondering what I’m doing here.”

“I just said. Dinner.”

She rolled her eyes. “Just dinner? But what about this super important thing Blaze told me you urgently needed to have tonight?” She held out the envelope once more. Without dropping his gaze from hers, he took it, tore it open, and pulled out…a sticky note?
