Page 56 of Adoring Alejandro

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“Hey, Maeve,” Blaze called to her as she was headed out the door at the end of another agonizing work week. Thankfully, AJ only stuck around until lunch that day. After that, he went off to who knew where, probably a job site. Then again, it was a Friday. He might have ducked out early to head to Miami and a long weekend with Denise.

Shutting out those thoughts, she called back to Blaze, “Yeah?”

He tossed a small white envelope at her. She caught it before it slapped her in the face.

“I know you’re off, but can you drop that by AJ’s? He needs it for something he’s doing this weekend, but he left it behind in his hurry to get out of here.”

Yup. Definitely doing something with Denise.

Trying to not feel like a mule kicked in her the gut—and failing—she smiled at Blaze and nodded. “Sure thing. His condo isn’t too far from mine.”

Blaze grinned back. “He mentioned that.” Raising his hand, he waved her off. “Thanks. And have a great weekend!”

Perplexed by her boss’s weird behavior, Maeve shrugged it off. It was the weekend, the man was probably overeager to get home to his hot girlfriend and get a little something, something.

Ugh. And there went images of her and AJ from last Thursday night. The way he’d pushed her up against the brick wall and devoured her mouth. The way his hands cupped her ass, lifting her wet, aching pussy to dry hump her with his long, thick, throbbing cock through his jeans.

The near orgasm. The fumbling for answers. The abrupt end to their interlude…and her unbearable yearning to feel that alive and wanted again.

But that couldn’t happen again, no matter how much Maeve prayed for it.

After a week of settling in, Callie and Lexi had become the best part of her day. Callie had pre-enrolled Lexi in school, so she was already attending Jackson Key Elementary during the day, which allowed her mom to pick up some hours at Happy Jack’s with Anna. Once the day was over, though, the three of them were making up for lost time.

It had been too long since Maeve could actually sit and just talk with her best friend. Yes, Sally and Anna were great, but they didn’t know the deepest parts of her. The parts that Callie knew only because she could share in the pain.

Both having lived in and survived stifling, emotionally and mentally abusive homes, they shared a bond Maeve wasn’t willing to form with anyone else. What she and Callie shared, was special.

Maeve: Hey lady, i’m going to be late. I have to run an errand for the boss first. After that, i’ll grab dinner. King noodle?

Maeve loved the ramen noodle place because it was nothing like the dried packaged stuff they sold in the stores. Callie, a self-proclaimed anime nerd, was over the moon that she had access to something she’d only read about or seen in her favorite animated Japanese shows.

Callie: Yes!

Maeve: Sake?

Callie: Heck ya!

Maeve: Get Yellowstone queued up and ready to go!

Callie: yYu don’t have to tell me twice. Cowboys, rice wine, and ramen? Weird combo but just too good.

Callie had turned Maeve on to the modern cowboy drama two nights ago. Since then, they’d been binge-watching every chance they could—at least once Lexi was in bed where she couldn’t be exposed to the more adult themes of the show.

Who the hell didn’t want sex and violence with their cowboys?

Snickering at that thought, Maeve pointed her car in the direction of AJ’s condo, the white envelope burning a hole in her brain.

What was in it? Who was it from?

Stifling the urge to peel the damn thing open and say she got it like that, she cursed.

It wasn’t any of her business, she had to remind herself. Snooping would only lead to trouble, and she’d had enough of that to last the rest of her long, lonely life.

In less time than she’d hoped, she was pulling up to AJ’s condo. His massive truck was parked out in front, and the lights were illuminating the front windows.

Her heart hammering, she paused, squeezing the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white.

“I can do this,” she muttered to herself. “I just need to go up there, give him the envelope, and leave. Easy peasy.”
