Page 6 of Adoring Alejandro

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In the fifteen minutes it took her to “poop”, Maeve calmed her freak out, splashed some water on her face, and squared her shoulders. No, she wasn’t a badass boss bitch who could face down her two sexy male bosses without stuttering out an embarrassing apology, but she was awkward and cowardly enough to slink back into her office, shut the door, and pretend it didn’t happen at all.

It wasn’t like Blaze cared about her weirdness—as long as she did her job. And it wasn’t as though AJ would even remember her existence once she was out of sight.

Out of sight, out of mind.

God…that phrase had never been as heart crushing as it was in that moment.

Sure, online, she was a sassy, sensual sex kitten that AJ couldn’t get enough of, but in real life, she might as well be the HAVE A GOOD DAY cat poster everyone walked right past. They give it a first look to see if it was important, then ignored it because it wasn’t. Not to them.

Thankfully, she made it to her desk without seeing anyone, which wasn’t really all the difficult since, besides her and Blaze and AJ, there were only two other employees that worked out of the office regularly. She checked the clock on her computer and sighed. It was lunchtime, which explained the echoing office, and the growling ache in her stomach.

Using the newly installed time keeping software on her computer to clock out for lunch, Maeve settled in at her desk for a cold ham and cheese, and an episode of Father Brown from the BBC America streaming website.

As an American, she should be slightly ashamed of her British tv show addiction, but she wasn’t. BBC shows like Father Brown, Sherlock, and Doctor Who were pure escapism. And with as much crap as she had in her life, she needed an escape every once in a while. Okay—every day. She watched them every day. And she was getting pretty good at emulating the accent, too.

She smirked to herself before taking a bite of her sandwich and hitting play.

The clock on her desktop blinked to 5:00 P.M. Another work day complete. While she couldn’t say the day was without its mishaps—she said poop!—she was relieved she didn’t have to see AJ again.

Standing to gather her things, she jumped and squeaked with a knock sounded at her office door.

“Maeve?” an all too familiar, sexy, unwelcome voice called out. “You okay in there?”

Aw, hell. No, she was not. Not anymore.

But she couldn’t just ignore him when he knew she was in there and she would have to get by him to go home. While the urge to sit in silence and hope he went away was there, she knew it was about as ridiculous as all her other ideas had been lately.

Like playing the virtual vixen to a sex god.

“Yes!” she called out. “One second.” She used the next sixty seconds to get her heartrate under control and straighten out her already immaculate desk.

Finally, she opened her door and nearly melted into a pool of lust.

AJ was standing there, hands shoved into his front pockets, his head hanging down but his gaze looking up at her through the fan of his long, thick, black eyelashes.

Tha-thump. This is what spontaneous human combustion feels like, isn’t it?

“Hey, I heard Sally say you were meeting her and Anna at Happy Jack’s,” he remarked, a slight smile curving his luscious, beautiful lips. His five o’clock shadow framed his square jaw, emphasizing just how rugged he was. His nose, long, straight, and a little pointy at the end, added a regality to his face she couldn’t help but want to worship. She wanted to cup his face in her hands…then rub her face against his like a cat in heat—purring and everything!

Maeve coughed, well aware that she probably looked like a dying fish with her too wide eyes and open mouth.

Get it together, woman!

She coughed again, blinked, and nodded. “Y-yes, I am. She’s really nice, and Anna is, too. They’ve invited me to hang out a few times.” Thinking about the vibrant and incredible women, Maeve smiled.

His gaze dropping to her mouth for a millisecond, his eyes darkened before lifting to meet hers again. This time, his smile was all types of wicked. Full on, melt-a-woman’s-panties hawt. And it was directed at her.

Whaaaaat was that?

He chuckled, probably at the shocked confusion on her face. “I’m glad to hear that. Those two are great, though they might get you into trouble once or twice.”

Maeve snorted, desperately pushing aside the need to fan her cheeks. “Who’s to say they haven’t done that already?”

AJ’s green eyes widened in surprise, as though he couldn’t quite believe dull as paper Maeve could do something bad.

Ugh, if he only knew!

“Oh yeah?” he asked, interest in his voice. “I’ve got to hear about this.”
