Page 7 of Adoring Alejandro

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What? Why would he care—and why had he knocked on her door?

“Did you knock on my door to ask me about drinks with your sister?” Because, really, that made no sense.

AJ’s mouth pinched. Raising one hand to rub at the delicious stumble on his chin, his smile was cockeyed.

“Um…actually, I wanted to apologize for earlier.”



He cleared his throat and grabbed the back of his neck. Was AJ Mendez…nervous?

Oh boy.

“For what I said earlier…about the cookies…and the thing about my mouth. It was inappropriate to tease you like that. I know I might come across like a callous playboy, but I know better than to bring that shit into the office. I didn’t mean to offend you with my remark, and I hope that you can forgive me and, hopefully, forget it ever happened.”


She didn’t even know what to say.

Drawing on the dregs of her bravery, she replied, “Forgiven and forgotten. Don’t worry, I knew you were just playing around. No harm done. Seriously.”

I know you would never be serious about a comment like that toward someone like me. Her “cookies” were safe from him, because he didn’t want Maeve’s cookies, he wanted Swan’s.

Swallowing down the hurt she’d caused her own damn self with her own damn thoughts, Maeve offered AJ a quick smile, grabbed her purse off her desk, and left AJ standing in her office doorway. Staring at her back.

From the Desk of UNKNOWN SENDER

September 29th

Good morning.

No. You don’t know me, but I know you. Yes, I know that sounds like I’m some sort of creepy stalker, but I’m not. I swear. More secret admirer than serial killer, I promise.

The truth…. I saw you. I fell in love with you. Crazy fairytale stuff, right? But it wasn’t. For me, it was like being shot with Cupid’s arrow, struck by lightning, hit by a truck, slapped in the face—they all sound painful, yes, but that’s what it felt like to see you and then to suddenly know you were it for me.

I don’t know what it was about you that hit me so hard. Yes, you’re gorgeous as hell, but it wasn’t just that. You carried yourself with this confidence, purpose, and strength that was free of the usual arrogance. You smiled and you stole my breath. And there was something in your eyes…a depth, a secret passion that stirred my soul.

There was pain there, too. I know what that feels like. What that looks like. Kindred spirits. Spirits that are weighted down with an old pain that cannot be alleviated.

Why am I writing to you? Well, how could I not? I figured that this was much safer than walking up to you and puking all over your work boots. I’m not all that good in social situations, they scare the shit out of me, but I’ve always been good expressing myself through words. So, here I am, telling you that I love you. Weird, right?

Sorry if you’re creeped out by this, that isn’t my intention. I am just hoping that this email—despite its unsolicited nature—will bring a smile to your face. Maybe lift your spirits if you’re feeling down.

Maybe you’ll write back.

Please write back. I promise I’m not a weirdo.

Love, your Secret Admirer,

She Without a Name
