Page 66 of Adoring Alejandro

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Maeve scowled down at the email that had just come through on her cell. To her personal email account. The one not attached to her anonymous SWAN account where she usually received the Swan emails.

It was from AJ. To her personal account.

But…he’d called her Swan. On her personal email.

Pinching her forehead, she furiously tried to gather her suddenly frenzied thoughts.

If AJ was sending her a personal email and calling her Swan, did that mean…?

He knew she was Swan.

He knew the truth she’d been hiding.

Oh shit! What about Denise?

What about Denise? He emailed you at your personal email and called you Swan. He knows Denise isn’t Swan.

Joy surged, propelled by hope, fueled by relief…but then fear arrived like a case of shingles.

If Denise didn’t get AJ, what did that mean for her threats? Would she still implement those terrible plans in that email? Denise was a spiteful bitch, Maeve wouldn’t put it past her to fuck with Maeve just to get a thrill out of it. To see Maeve crumble and fall at her hand.

If Maeve met up with AJ, would Denise find out and blame Maeve for losing her chance at AJ’s money?

Dread and panic coiled together in her belly as bile rose into her throat and mouth. She tried to swallow away the acrid sourness, but her belly kept churning, and churning.

Did she go and finally face AJ for the chance at a happily ever after, or did she allow her fear of what Denise might do keep her from having the life Denise had been intent on stealing?

Stop hiding….

Was it that easy?

When is anything with love that easy?

The email had said seven tonight. She glanced at the clock, her heart hammering.

That was only one hour away.

She’d taken the day off of work since both Blaze and AJ had sent notice that they’d be out of the office all day. So, she’d taken a “me” day to write up her resignation letter.

She was leaving Harris Construction, LLC. She couldn’t stomach spending her days watching as AJ and Denise got closer. As the woman who stole everything from her lived the life Maeve should have. As bad as it hurt already, Maeve couldn’t fathom the pain she’d endure when AJ proposed to Denise, married Denise, and they eventually started a family.

Little caramel-skinned, dark-haired angels, with their father’s beautiful green eyes.

A sob shook her, tearing a sound of pure anguish from her throat.

No. That future was hers.

Quickly throwing on the red dress, shoving her feet in black flats, and tossing her hair into a ponytail, she hurried to make herself even slightly presentable to the man she was going to risk it all for.

No more hiding.

No more running.

She wasn’t a mouse, she was a vixen.

She was AJ’s Swan.

And it was time to finally claim him as hers.
