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Ashford had actually kissed her.And unlike her first and last experience kissing a man, it had been glorious.

The grin on Amelia’s face when they’d joined her and Lowenbrock had her wondering if her friend knew what had happened.Could someone tell just by looking at her that her senses were now befuddled?

Amelia linked arms with her again and allowed the men to walk ahead without them.“I need to show you something.”

Mary gave her head a small shake.“I’m not very good with plants.”

Amelia laughed, taking her down a path that split off from the main one they’d followed to the little alcove.The alcove where Ashford had kissed her and made her want something that could never be hers.Her cheeks heated at the memory.

“John and I were surprised to find there was a gazebo in the gardens here.It’s almost completely surrounded by hedges.”She took hold of Mary’s hand.“But you can push through here and…” She dragged Mary through a small gap in the greenery.

Once they were through the hedges, they stood before a small garden gazebo.The white structure was made of wood and wrought iron.“It’s in surprisingly good shape for something long forgotten.”

Mary followed her friend into the small structure.“It’s very pretty.”

“And there are seats along the inner railing.”

Amelia seemed far too excited about the place.“Why are you showing me this?”

This time it was Amelia’s turn to blush.“John and I… Well, it’s very private here.We might have spent some time here since coming to London.”

Mary shook her head.“Meaning what exactly?”

“It’s the perfect place for a secret rendezvous.I thought I’d show it to you in case you and Lord Ashford ever find yourselves in need of a little privacy.”

Mary brought her hands up to cover her face, her embarrassment acute, but she couldn’t stop the barrage of images that flooded her mind.She and Ashford coming out here to be alone, and perhaps there would even be kissing.

Something had changed today.Suddenly she found that she no longer wanted her courtship with Ashford to be pretend.But he was a man and no doubt very experienced with women.She had to remember that a kiss—even one as delightful and heated as the kiss they’d shared—would mean nothing to him.

“We should go back now,” Mary said, forcing herself to meet her friend’s knowing gaze.

Amelia sighed.“Of course.But I’d rather stay here and discuss what happened between you and Lord Ashford just now.”

Mary wanted to confide in Amelia.If anyone could help her to understand the riot of confusion within her, it was her best friend.She’d told Ashford that she’d keep their pretend courtship a secret, but that didn’t mean she had to keep everything a secret.

“He kissed me.”

Amelia let out a small squeal and grasped her hands.“I told you there was something more than friendship between the two of you.Do you believe me now?”

She nodded, not wanting to damn herself with a lie.Their courtship might be pretend, but her feelings were very real.

She followed Amelia back through the garden, trying to remember the route to the gazebo.She didn’t think she’d need it, but it never hurt to be prepared.

“Distract me,” she said.

Amelia grinned, and Mary wanted to groan.That grin could only mean her friend was brewing up trouble.

“There’s a masquerade ball next week.I need to attend… Research for my next book.”

Mary’s brows drew together.“Who’s hosting it?I don’t remember Edwina saying anything about a masked ball.”

Amelia lowered her voice.“It’s a public masquerade.There will be members of the demimonde there.”

Mary’s eyes widened.“Your husband agreed to this?”

“Of course.He didn’t want to risk having me go on my own.And I want you to come with us.”

Mary was intrigued.She’d heard all manner of gossip about the things that went on at such affairs.But Lowenbrock would be glued to Amelia’s side.She’d have no such protection herself.

“I can ask John to invite Ashford.”

And there went Mary’s doubt.If Ashford was going to be there, she wanted to attend as well.There would be no need to pretend they were courting there, no one for whom they were putting on a show.

It would give her the opportunity to see how he behaved when he wasn’t trying to convince his mother and sister that his interest in her was genuine.Would he still pay attention to her?Perhaps kiss her again?Or would he use the time away from the prying eyes of the ton to dally elsewhere?

Her stomach clenched at the thought, but she had to protect her heart.Which meant she had to know Ashford’s true feelings.The masquerade might be just the place to find the answers she needed.
