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Lowenbrock and Cranston joined him moments later.The latter asked the question that everyone in the room wanted to know the answer to.

“What on earth was all that about?”

Ashford turned to Lowenbrock.“Is there anyone in London Miss Trenton isn’t friends with?”

His friend raised a shoulder.“I wasn’t aware she was friends with Brantford, but I do know that his wife has been to the house.She’s great friends with my sister Catherine.”

“And apparently with Miss Trenton.”

Cranston clapped him on the shoulder.“It was nice knowing you, old boy.”

Ashford’s jaw tightened in exasperation as he knocked the man’s hand away.“I’ll get to our conversation in a moment, but first, as I was saying before that interruption… Miss Trenton and I came to an agreement at the start of the season that our courtship would be for show only.But things have changed.”

Cranston groaned.“Here we go.”

Lowenbrock grinned.“Changed for the better?”

It was impossible to keep his own smile at bay.“I’ve developed feelings for her.Feelings that I believe are reciprocated.”

“I thought you were above such nonsense,” Cranston said with a wince.

Ashford swept his hand from Lowenbrock to the group of men sitting at the bow window.“I present to you proof that love can be very real.”

“I don’t think anyone is surprised that Sir Galahad found his fair maiden and is living happily ever after.I can’t speak for the other men except to say that the odds are against either of us finding such happiness.”

Ashford tilted his head to Lowenbrock’s brother-in-law and his friends again, and Cranston huffed out an impatient breath.

“Well, it’s about time you’ve come to your senses,” Lowenbrock said.“But I must admit you’ve seemed distant with Miss Trenton of late, and she appears to be unhappy.I expected you to say the two of you were breaking off the ruse.”

Ashford frowned.“I was trying to be circumspect.To let her know that my intentions are honorable.”

Cranston blew out a harsh breath.“I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but being distant isn’t the way to win a woman’s heart.”

Ashford crossed his arms over his chest.“I’m not sure I’d trust your advice on the matter.”

“I was young once and foolishly gave my heart to a woman.”Cranston shook his head.“It was many years ago, and after she stomped all over it, I enlisted.The last place I wanted to be was in England after seeing her wedding announcement to another.”

Ashford’s heart went out to the man.He couldn’t imagine how devastated he’d be if he learned Mary had accepted another man’s proposal.

“You never told us,” Lowenbrock said.

“That I was young and stupid?That was hardly something I wanted to share.”Cranston leaned forward in his chair.“Setting aside all this talk about love, I think Miss Trenton has a good head on her shoulders.She has wit and is quite attractive.”

Ashford ground his teeth together, and Cranston laughed.“If what Sir Galahad says is correct, you should go talk to her now before she sets her heart on another man.”

He winced just thinking about that eventuality.“I need to speak to her as soon as possible.But first—” He turned to Lowenbrock.“We need to see your solicitor.”
