Page 79 of In the Dark

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She pulls her hands away from mine and starts wringing them together in her lap. "Because to everyone else, we are related."

Oh. Ohh. That’s what she’s worried about. And I thought she was going to break up with me before we even started dating. I take her hand back in mine and try to sound calm and reasonable. "But we’re not. Never have been. We’re doing nothing wrong."

She finally makes eye contact. "I know, but we are the only ones that know. Besides Den and Wes, I mean..." Another pause. She tilts her head to the side. "By the way, what did you tell Wes?"

I turn one of her hands over and start rubbing my thumb over the heel of her hand, slowly massaging the fleshy part. Her entire body relaxes under my touch, and she melts into the couch with her head leaning against the back of it.

"I told him the truth. What happened to you, why you’re here, how I feel, and that...heis back. Wes knew that something was up. He noticed the change in you, too." I laugh to myself. "I guess our friends are more perceptive than we gave them credit for."

She smiles and turns to me as I continue. "As for what we are...that depends on you. I told you how I feel, and that won’t change. But I understand if you are not ready or would rather not—"

"I love you."

I’m about to launch into a full-length explanation that I understand if this is all still too weird for her. I mean, it’s only been two months since she found out that we’re not related.Wait.What she said sinks in, and I stare, open-mouthed. Her look changes to something resembling concern. "Say something!"

All I can do is mumble, "You love me?" I’m gobsmacked. Never in a million years would I have expected those words to come out of her mouth. Sure, there has been hope that maybe one day...

Lilly must see that I’m having a hard time believing that I heard her right, because she repeats herself more confidently. "I love you!"

She loves me. Holy fuck. She. Loves. Me. My grin spreads so far my cheeks start hurting. I pull her into my arms. "Come here."

She moves to her knees next to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her head is burrowed in my shoulder, holding on tight while I nuzzle her neck. The scent of vanilla and coconut makes every nerve ending in my body come alive. I whisper into her hair, "God, you have no idea how long I have waited for this."

The cocky horndog has officially left the stage, and the whipped lovestruck fool has entered. If Wes were to see me right now, I would hear about it until the end of time.

I feel her smile. "You still haven’t answered my question."

I chuckle. My arms wrap around her waist and squeeze tight. "You are mine. You always have been—even if you didn’t know it at the time—and always will be. And if you want to put a label on it...Lilly Ann Calla McGuire Sumner, will you be my girlfriend? Please check one of the below three boxes. Yes, no, maybe." I pretend to write on my palm to make light of the situation—and to not feel like a complete pussy.

Lilly makes a sound between a laugh and a squeal and almost chokes me in her hold. This girl has some serious strength. She gives me one last squeeze and settles back to sit beside me, smiling to herself. I lift my arm, and she cuddles into my side, holding my other hand between hers.

Before turning back to the TV, she glances up with flushed cheeks. "I’d like that."

We must’ve fallen asleep,because the next thing I know, I blink open my eyes, and the clock on the wall reads 11:12 p.m.

We’re slumped together on the couch, covered with the throw blanket. Lilly’s arm is hooked around mine, our hands interlaced, with her head resting against my shoulder and my head on top of hers. Realization of where we are shoots through me, and a flood of adrenaline makes my heartbeat increase. Thank God Dad is gone, and Mom usually never comes back down once she’s settled for the night.

I slightly lift my head from hers and, without thinking, place a kiss on her hair. "Babe? I think we need to get you to bed."Before anyone finds us.

Lilly grumbles something incoherent and snuggles closer, angling her face upward. My eyes immediately zero in on her pink lips. I stare. And stare some more. That’s when I notice the change in her breathing, and her lips part. I move my gaze upward and see her looking back and forth between my eyes and mouth.

My breath hitches; this is it. I can’t hold back any longer. With my pulse thrashing in my ears, I slowly inch closer, continually flipping between her eyes and lips, making sure I’m not missing any sign that she doesn’t want this, giving her every opportunity to move away.

She peers back at me with hooded lids. I take one last deep breath and close the distance.


Oh my God,oh my God, oh my God. My heart is about to burst out of my chest. I’m holding my breath, afraid to move. Still in a sleepy haze, my eyes meet Rhys’s, and I know he is going to kiss me. There’s nothing but raw desire in his eyes—an emotion I’m sure my own are reflecting. I would be lying if I said I haven’t thought about it—a lot.

He touches his lips to mine, and stars explode behind my eyes. He is tentative at first, giving me the chance to move away, but I’m gone. Every cell in my body has come alive, and I can’t get close enough. Moving to my knees, I end up straddling his lap and taking his face between my hands. Rhys reciprocates by pulling me closer, his hands moving up my back beneath my shirt, burning my sensitive skin with his cool touch.

His lips are soft and firm at the same time. Until now, the kiss was careful, a gentle exploration, but the moment his hands make contact with my bare skin, something ignites in both of us. I rock myself into him, and a sound between a moan and growl reaches my ears. Was that me or him? Our mouths start moving together, and the kiss turns frantic. I’ve made out with guys before, but this... My lips part over his, and his tongue slides in without hesitation. Rhys nips at my bottom lip, and in return, I press my entire body into his, the friction bringing my core to life. His hands glide up my spine, and I have the urge to clench my thighs together. We’re both panting, and I don’t want this kiss to stop. Ever.

But as soon as I think that, Rhys pulls back, and I hear myself whimper, trying to kiss him again. He touches his forehead to mine, taking a long, steadying breath.

"We need to stop." There is no backbone in his words.

"Why? What’s wrong?"
